Flexural Properties of Bioactive Restoratives in Cariogenic Environments.
PMID: 34425586
本研究では,バイオアクティブ修復物のう蝕環境下での機械的性能を測定し,各種バイオアクティブ材料の曲げ特性を比較した.評価材料は,従来型レジン系コンポジットレジン(フィルテックZ350[FZ])と3種の生体活性型修復物,すなわちアルカサイト(センティオンN[CN]),ジオマー(ボーテフィル・バルク・レストラティブ[BB])および強化レジン変性グラスイオノマー(アクティバ・バイオアクティブ・レストラティブ[AV])である.梁状の試験片(12×2×2mm)を作製し,4群(n=10)にランダムに振り分け,脱イオン溶液,再石灰化溶液,脱灰溶液(DE),pHサイクルで37℃,14日間コンディショニングを行った.コンディショニング/pHサイクルの後,3点曲げ試験を行った.曲げ試験データは,分散分析またはTukeyの検定(α=0.05)を用いて統計学的に解析した.平均曲げ弾性率と強度は,それぞれ3.54 ± 0.33 ~ 7.44 ± 0.28 GPa,87.07 ± 8.99 ~ 123.54 ± 12.37 MPaの範囲であった。バイオアクティブ修復物の曲げ弾性率は,う蝕/酸性の影響を受けなかったが,曲げ強さはCNを除き,通常低下した.BBの強度はDEおよびpHサイクリングにより有意に低下し,AVの強度はDEにより低下した.すべてのコンディショニング媒体において,AVは他の材料より有意に低い弾性率を示した.曲げ強さの差が有意でなかったDEでのコンディショニングを除けば,FZとAVはBBとCNに比べ,一般に有意に強かった.う蝕環境による曲げ強さへの影響は材料に依存し,アルカサイト材料(CN)を除けば,う蝕環境は生体活性回復材の強さを有意に低下させることが確認された.
This study determined the mechanical performance of bioactive restoratives in cariogenic environments and compared the flexural properties of various bioactive materials. The materials evaluated included a conventional resin-based composite (Filtek Z350 [FZ]) and 3 bioactive restoratives, namely an alkasite (Cention N [CN]), a giomer (Beautifil-bulk Restorative [BB]), and an enhanced resin-modified glass ionomer (Activa Bioactive Restorative [AV]). Beam-shaped specimens (12 x 2 x 2 mm) were produced, randomly allocated to 4 groups (n=10), and conditioned in deionized solution, remineralizing solution, demineralizing solution (DE), or pH cycled for 14 days at 37°C. After conditioning/pH cycling, the specimens were subjected to 3-point flexural testing. Flexural data were subjected to statistical analysis using analysis of variance or Tukey's test (α=0.05). Mean flexural modulus and strength ranged from 3.54 ± 0.33 to 7.44 ± 0.28 GPa, and 87.07 ± 8.99 to 123.54 ± 12.37 MPa, respectively. While the flexural modulus of the bioactive restoratives was not affected by cariogenic/acidic conditions, flexural strength usually decreased, with the exception of CN. The strength of BB was significantly reduced by DE and pH cycling, while that of AV was lowered by DE. For all conditioning mediums, AV had a significantly lower modulus than the other materials. Apart from conditioning in DE, where differences in flexural strength was insignificant, FZ and AV were generally significantly stronger than BB and CN. The effect of cariogenic environments on flexural strength was found to be material dependent, and aside from the alkasite material (CN), cariogenic conditions were observed to significantly decrease the strength of bioactive restoratives.