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Arch Oral Biol.2020 Nov;119:104883.


The effect of low intensity pulsed ultrasound on dentoalveolar structures during orthodontic force application in diabetic ex-vivo model.

PMID: 32932147




OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the effect of the low intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) on the dentoalveolar structures during orthodontic force application in ex-vivo model using mandible slice organ culture (MSOC) of diabetic rats.



DESIGN: 18 male Wistar rats with a mean weight (275 g) were randomly divided into three main groups: 1) normal rats, 2) Insulin treated diabetic rats, and 3) diabetic rats. Diabetes mellitus (DM) was induced by streptozotocin. Four weeks later, rats were euthanized, mandibles were dissected, divided into 1.5-mm slices creating mandible slice organ cultures (MSOCs). MSOCs were cultured at 37 °C in air with 5 % CO. The following day, orthodontic spring delivering a 50-g of force was applied to each slice. In each group, rats were randomly assigned to 2 subgroups; one received 10 min of LIPUS daily and the other was the control. Culture continued for 7 days, and then the sections were prepared for histological and histomorphometric analysis.



RESULTS: For all study groups (Normal, Insulin Treated Diabetic and Diabetic), LIPUS treatment significantly increased the thickness of predentin, cementum, and improved bone remodeling on the tension side and increased odontoblast, sub-odontoblast, and periodontal ligaments cell counts and bone resorption lacunae number on the compression side.



CONCLUSIONS: Application of LIPUS treatment for 10 min daily for a week enhanced bone remodeling and repair of cementum and dentin in normal as well as diabetic MSOCs.