Effectiveness of the static-guided endodontic technique for accessing the root canal through MTA and its effect on fracture strength.
PMID: 32779012
OBJECTIVES: (1) To evaluate the effectiveness of the static-guided (SG) endodontics technique for accessing the root canal through the mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and (2) to evaluate the effect of this technique on the fracture strength of teeth.
本研究では30本の下顎小臼歯を用いた。標準的なコロナルアクセス窩洞を作製した後、未熟な根尖を模擬するためにサイズ#80までの根管を作製した。再生歯内療法と同様に、セメントエナメル接合部(CEJ)から約3mm下に白色MTAを埋入した。MTAが硬化した後、窩洞をレジンコンポジット材で修復した。歯は無作為に2群(n = 15)に分けられた。コントロール群では、コンポジットレジンとMTAをガイドなしで除去した。SG-access群では、コーンビームCT(CBCT)スキャンを行い、3Dプリントガイドを設計・作製し、ガイドを用いてコンポジットレジンとMTAを除去した。コンポジットレジンとMTAの除去は、全群で経験の浅い術者1名が行った。術前および術後に周囲X線写真を撮影した。誤嚥と根管貫通までの時間を記録した。その後、根管を充填し、アクセス腔を修復した。サンプルは破折強度試験に供した。データは、Mann-Whitney U、独立標本T検定、および信頼水準95%(P = 0.05)のカイ二乗検定を用いて分析した。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty mandibular premolars were used in the present study. After standard coronal access cavity preparation, root canals were prepared up to size #80 to simulate an immature root apex. White MTA was placed approximately 3 mm below the cementoenamel junction (CEJ), as placed in regenerative endodontic procedures. After the MTA had set, the cavity was restored with a resin composite material. The teeth were randomly divided into two groups (n = 15). In the control group, the composite resin and MTA were removed without any guide. In the SG-access group, a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan was performed, 3D-printed guides were designed and fabricated, and then the composite resin and MTA were removed with a guide. One inexperienced operator performed the removal of the composite resin and MTA in all groups. Pre- and post-operative periapical radiographs were taken. The mishaps and time to penetration to root canal were recorded. After that, the root canals were filled, and the access cavities were restored. The samples were subjected to a fracture strength test. Data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney U, independent samples of T test, and chi-square tests at 95% confidence level (P = 0.05).
コントロール群とSGアクセス群の間には、誤嚥およびMTAバリアを介して根管に浸透するまでの時間に関して有意差が認められた(P < 0.05)。SGアクセス群では、コントロール群と比較して、より短い時間を要した。SG-access群では、誤嚥は発生しなかった。SGアクセス群では、対照群と比較して歯の破折抵抗性が有意に保たれていた(P<0.05)。非修復性失敗は、SGアクセス群よりもコントロール群でより頻繁に発生した。
RESULTS: There were significant differences between the control and SG-access groups in terms of mishaps and time to penetration to the root canal through the MTA barrier (P < 0.05). The SG-access group required the shorter time as compared with the control group. Mishaps did not occur in the SG-access group. The SG-access group exhibited the significantly preserved fracture resistance of the teeth as compared with the control group (P < 0.05). Non-restorable failure occurred more frequently in the control group than in the SG-access group.
CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of the present study, the SG endodontic technique yielded favorable results with respect to time, mishaps, and fracture strength.
CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The static-guided endodontics technique may provide advantages to the clinician for MTA removal.