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Parasit Vectors.2020 Mar;13(1):72. 10.1186/s13071-020-3946-1. doi: 10.1186/s13071-020-3946-1.Epub 2020-03-01.


Efficacy of a novel oral chewable tablet containing sarolaner, moxidectin and pyrantel (Simparica Trio™) against natural flea and tick infestations on dogs presented as veterinary patients in Europe.

  • Csilla Becskei
  • Daphne Fias
  • Sean P Mahabir
  • Robert Farkas
PMID: 32113486 PMCID: PMC7049391. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-020-3946-1.




BACKGROUND: A novel chewable oral tablet containing sarolaner, moxidectin and pyrantel (Simparica Trio™) has recently been developed to provide persistent protection against flea and tick infections for a month, treatment of hookworm and roundworm infections and prevention of heartworm and lungworm disease in dogs. Two field studies were conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Simparica Trio™ against natural flea and tick infestations on dogs in Europe.


天然のノミまたはマダニに感染している犬を、0日目にシンパリカトリオ錠(ノミ試験:n=297、マダニ試験:n=189)を1.2~2.2mg/kgのサロラネラー24~48 µg/kgのムオキシデクチンと5~10mg/kgのピランテル(パモネート塩として)のいずれかの治療に無作為に割り付けました。4mg/kgのサロラネール、24~48μg/kgのモキシクチン、5~10mg/kgのピランテル(パモ酸塩として)、またはラベルの指示に従ってNexGard® Spectra(アフォキソラネール+ミルベマイシンオキシム)のいずれかと併用した(ノミ試験:n=164、ダニ試験:n=91)。有効性は、ノミ試験では14日目と30日目、マダニ試験では7日目、14日目、21日目、30日目のそれぞれの治療前の寄生虫数と比較した平均減少率に基づいて算出した。ノミの数を数えるために、犬の被毛全体を目の細かいノミ取り櫛を使って、すべてのノミが取り除かれるまで体系的に梳いた。マダニの数を数えるために、犬の被毛全体を手で探した。ノミ研究では、ノミアレルギー犬のノミアレルギー性皮膚炎(FAD)の臨床症状の消失を評価した。両試験では、口当たりの良さを評価しました。

METHODS: Dogs with natural flea or tick infestations were allocated randomly to treatment on Day 0 with either Simparica Trio™ tablets (flea study: n = 297; tick study: n = 189) to provide 1.2-2.4 mg/kg sarolaner, 24-48 µg/kg moxidectin and 5-10 mg/kg pyrantel (as pamoate salt) or with NexGard® Spectra (afoxolaner + milbemycin oxime) according to the label instructions (flea study: n = 164; tick study: n = 91). Efficacy was calculated based on the mean percent reduction in live parasite counts compared to the respective pre-treatment counts on Days 14 and 30 in the flea study and on Days 7, 14, 21 and 30 in the tick study. To count the fleas, the dog's entire coat was systematically combed using an extra fine-tooth flea comb until all fleas were removed. For the tick counts, the dog's entire coat was searched manually. Resolution of the clinical signs of flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) was assessed in flea allergic dogs in the flea study. Palatability was assessed in both studies.



RESULTS: Simparica Trio™ was well tolerated in both studies. Efficacy against fleas was ≥ 97.9% in the Simparica Trio™ group and ≥ 96.1% in the NexGard® Spectra group. Efficacy against ticks was ≥ 94.8% in the Simparica Trio™ group and ≥ 94.4% in the NexGard® Spectra group. Clinical signs of flea allergy dermatitis improved following treatment with Simparica Trio™. Simparica Trio™ tablets were voluntarily and fully consumed on ≥ 78% of the 485 occasions they were offered.



CONCLUSIONS: A single oral dose of Simparica Trio™ was safe and highly efficacious against naturally occurring flea and tick infestations for 1 month on dogs. Clinical signs of FAD improved following treatment. Simparica Trio™ was voluntarily and readily consumed by most dogs.