A Randomized Parallel Study to Assess the Effect of Three Tongue Cleaning Modalities on Oral Malodor.
PMID: 30964972
OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to compare the effects of three tongue hygiene regimens on oral malodor.
本研究は、3つの治療群を有する単一施設無作為化並行デザイン研究である。被験者は、Philips Sonicare TongueCare+ BreathRx レジメン(STC)、リステリン クールミント消毒リンス(LCM)、またはADA基準手動歯ブラシによる舌磨き(MTB)を用いて舌衛生を行うよう無作為に割り付けられた。研究期間中、すべての被験者の歯磨きは標準化され、他の口腔衛生または口臭衛生対策は認められませんでした。対象者は,年齢18~70歳,全身および口腔内の健康状態が良好で,非喫煙者であり,12~18時間の口腔衛生禁忌期間後の有機体スコアが2.7~4.5であることを条件とした.口腔内装置を装着している被験者、歯周病や過度の退縮がある被験者は対象外とした。主要評価項目は、有機嗅覚(OL)スコアに基づく口腔内悪臭の評価であった。副次的解析として,口腔内の硫化水素(H2S)濃度の定量化および口腔内細菌のカウントを口腔内悪臭の代用指標とした.1日目に、製品使用前、使用直後、使用4時間後、8時間後に、3つの悪臭エンドポイントをすべて評価した。その後、被験者には自宅での製品の使用方法が説明された。被験者は8日目にクリニックに戻り、悪臭の評価が3つの評価項目それぞれについて繰り返された。すなわち、クリニックでの製品使用前、使用直後、使用後4時間および8時間後に評価されたのである。
METHODS: This was a single-center, randomized, parallel design study with three treatment groups. Subjects were randomly assigned to perform tongue hygiene with either the Philips Sonicare TongueCare+ BreathRx regimen (STC), Listerine Cool Mint antiseptic rinse (LCM), or tongue brushing with an ADA reference manual toothbrush (MTB). Tooth brushing was standardized for all subjects during the study period, and no other oral or breath hygiene measures were allowed. Eligible subjects met the following criteria: aged 18-70 years, in good general and oral health, non-smoker, with an organoleptic score between 2.7 and 4.5 following a 12-18 hour oral hygiene abstention period. Subjects who had oral appliances or who had periodontal disease or excessive recession were not eligible. The primary endpoint analysis was to evaluate oral malodor based on an organoleptic (OL) score. Additional surrogate measures for oral malodor included quantification of oral hydrogen sulfide (H2S) level and counts of oral bacteria in secondary analyses. At Day 1, all three malodor endpoints were assessed prior to product use, immediately after use, and four and eight hours after use. Subjects were then provided with instructions on product use at home. Subjects returned to the clinic on Day 8 and the assessments for malodor were repeated for each of the three endpoints, i.e., prior to in-clinic use of the products, immediately after use, and four and eight hours after use.
168名の被験者が3群に無作為に割り付けられ、各群56名ずつが治療群となった。このうち、165名がすべての受診を完了した。無作為化された被験者は、ベースライン特性(OLスコア、年齢、人種、民族)において同等であった。全体として、すべての治療群で、すべての時点において、有機嗅覚スコアに基づく口腔内悪臭が減少した。主要評価項目である1回の製品使用から8時間後のOLスコアの減少について、STCレジメンはOLスコアごとに46.67%(SE = 2.28%)、LCM値は22.83%(SE = 2.29%)、MTB値は26.19%(SE = 2.29%)減少させた。STCと各治療群の一対比較は統計的に有意であった(p値<0.0001)。また,Day 8におけるSTCとLCMおよびMTBの両群との一対比較においても,統計的に有意な差が認められた(p-values < 0.0001)。
RESULTS: One hundred sixty-eight (168) subjects were randomized to three groups, with 56 per treatment group. Of these, 165 completed all study visits. Randomized subjects were comparable for baseline characteristics (OL score, age, race, and ethnicity). Overall, oral malodor based on the organoleptic score decreased for all treatment groups at all timepoints. For the primary endpoint, reduction of OL score eight hours following a single product use, the STC regimen reduced malodor per OL score by 46.67% (SE = 2.28%), the LCM value was 22.83% (SE = 2.29%), and MTB was 26.19% (SE = 2.29%). The pair-wise comparisons between STC and each of the treatment groups were statistically significant (p-values < 0.0001). Statistically significant differences were also observed between STC and both LCM and MTB groups in pair-wise comparisons at Day 8 (p-values < 0.0001).
CONCLUSIONS: Reductions in malodor were evident following a single use of each product, and also following a seven-day repeat use period. The STC regimen, however, was statistically significantly superior to both LCM and MTB at improving malodor eight hours following the first use. Statistically significant differences in OL scores were sustained between STC and LCM, and STC and MTB at each efficacy timepoint following the seven-day home use period.