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J Dent.2019 Apr;83:40-49.


Wear and damage at the bonded interface between tooth enamel and resin composite.

PMID: 30797040




OBJECTIVE: To investigate the wear mechanisms and evolution of damage in tooth enamel-resin composite bonded interfaces caused by sliding contact, and to develop an understanding of interface degradation from a tribological viewpoint that supports clinical recommendations for improving interface integrity.


市販のレジンコンポジット(テトリックNセラムバルクフィル)、レジンセメント(Rely X U200)および歯エナメル質を含む接着界面試料について、ボールオンフラット法を用いて往復摩耗試験を行った。接着試料を5×10サイクルの摺動接触に供し,白色光干渉法と走査型電子顕微鏡を用いて,摩耗深さと摩耗痕の形態をそれぞれ測定した.また、光学顕微鏡を用いて試料の亀裂とその進展を評価した。

METHODS: Reciprocating wear tests were performed on bonded interface samples involving commercial resin composite (Tetric N Ceram Bulk Fill), resin cement (Rely X U200) and tooth enamel using the ball-on-flat configuration. The bonded samples were subjected up to 5 × 10 cycles of sliding contact, and the wear depth and wear track morphology were characterized after increments using white light interferometry and scanning electron microscopy, respectively. Optical microscopy was also used to evaluate cracks and their propagation in the samples.



RESULTS: In the early stages of sliding contact, wear evolved most rapidly at the interface, followed by the enamel and the resin composite. Gradually, the difference between the wear depth at the interface and other areas decreased. Furthermore, cracks and brittle fracture appeared in the enamel during the early stages of wear, adjacent to the interface. With continuing cyclic loading, enamel wear manifested primarily as ploughs, with discontinuous pits and peeled material. Cracking decreased to only a few cracks extending to the inner enamel and parallel to the interface.



CONCLUSIONS: Cracking and damage occurred in the enamel during the early stages of sliding contact and accelerated by poor margin finishing. Cracks caused by wear under sliding contact could be one of the reasons for secondary caries and tooth discoloration.