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J Biol Regul Homeost Agents.2018 Nov-Dec;32(6):1407-1420.


Longitudinal study on the effect of oral hygiene measures on the salivary count of microbial species with cariogenic potential.

PMID: 30574745


口腔衛生教育措置と専門家による歯のクリーニングが、高い齲蝕原性を有する微生物種(すなわち、 , と )の唾液中のレベルに及ぼす影響を、異なる時点で評価した。0時間目には、研究グループ(n=30)で高い唾液中の菌保有率が記録された。被験者の50%は3種すべてを唾液中に保有しており,27%は2種を,23%は1種のみを保有していた。口腔衛生対策を実施した3ヵ月後には,3種すべてを保有していた被験者の割合も大幅に減少し,臨床的および危険因子のパラメータが全体的に改善されたことから,唾液中の3種すべてを保有していた被験者の割合は統計的に有意に減少した。唾液中の細菌数は,唾液pHと逆相関する一方で,唾液レベルとは正相関した。これらの結果から,唾液中のむし歯菌を抑制するためには,口腔衛生指導の強化と6~8ヵ月ごとの専門的な歯のクリーニングが必要であることが示唆された。

The effect of oral hygiene education measures and professional tooth cleaning on the salivary levels of microbial species with high cariogenic potential (i.e. , and ) was evaluated at different time points. At time 0, high salivary carriage rates were recorded in the study group (n=30). Fifty percent of the subjects harbored all three species in their saliva, 27% harbored 2 species, and 23% only one species. At 3 months after oral hygiene measures, a statistically significant reduction was observed in salivary count of and The percentage of subjects harboring all three species was also highly reduced, along with an overall improvement of clinical and risk factors parameters. At 8 months after oral hygiene measures, and load was still statistically lower than that recorded at time 0, although an increment in bacterial load and a partial worsening of clinical and risk factors parameters were observed. count in saliva inversely correlated with salivary pH, while it positively correlated with salivary levels. The results obtained suggest that strengthening of the motivation and administration of oral hygiene instructions and professional tooth cleaning every 6-8 months, might be necessary to control salivary levels of cariogenic species.