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Imaging Sci Dent.2018 Sep;48(3):177-184.


Influence of voxel size on cone-beam computed tomography-based detection of vertical root fractures in the presence of intracanal metallic posts.

PMID: 30276154




PURPOSE: This study was performed to evaluate the influence of voxel size and the accuracy of 2 cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) systems in the detection of vertical root fracture (VRF) in the presence of intracanal metallic posts.


30本の単耳性抜去ヒト歯を選択し、無作為に2群に分けた(VRF群、n=15;対照群、n=15)。インストロン装置を用いてVRFを誘導し、両群に金属ポストを埋入した。スキャンは4つの異なるボクセルサイズでCBCTにより取得された:0.1mmと0.16mm(Eagle 3D V-Beamシステム)、0.125mmと0.2mm(i-CATシステム)である(それぞれプロトコル1、2、3、4)。観察者間および観察者内の一致はCohen kappa testを用いて評価した。感度および特異度が評価され、受信機動作特性分析が実施された。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty uniradicular extracted human teeth were selected and randomly divided into 2 groups (VRF group, n=15; and control group, n=15). The VRFs were induced by an Instron machine, and metallic posts were placed in both groups. The scans were acquired by CBCT with 4 different voxel sizes: 0.1 mm and 0.16 mm (for the Eagle 3D V-Beam system) and 0.125 mm and 0.2 mm (for the i-CAT system) (protocols 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively). Interobserver and intraobserver agreement was assessed using the Cohen kappa test. Sensitivity and specificity were evaluated and receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed.



RESULTS: The intraobserver coefficients indicated good (0.71) to very good (0.83) agreement, and the interobserver coefficients indicated moderate (0.57) to very good (0.80) agreement. In respect to the relationship between sensitivity and specificity, a statistically significant difference was found between protocols 1 (positive predictive value: 0.710, negative predictive value: 0.724) and 3 (positive predictive value: 0.727, negative predictive value: 0.632) (<.05). The least interference due to artifact formation was observed using protocol 2.



CONCLUSION: Protocols with a smaller voxel size and field of view seemed to favor the detection of VRF in teeth with intracanal metallic posts.