The Evaluation of Root Fracture with Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT): An Epidemiological Study.
PMID: 29670714
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was evaluation of the cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) image of 50 patients at the ages of 8-15 suspecting root fracture and root fracture occurred, exposed to dental traumatic. In additionally, this study was showed effect of crown fracture on root fracture healing.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: All of the individuals included in the study were obtained images with the cone-beam computed tomography range of 0,3 voxel and 8.9 seconds.(i-CAT®, Model 17-19, Imaging SciencesInternational, Hatfield, Pa USA).The information obtained from the history and CBCT images of patients were evaluated using chi-square test statistical method the mean and the distribution of the independent variables.
RESULTS: 50 children, have been exposed to trauma, was detected root fracture injury in 97 teeth. Horizontal root fracture 63.9% of the 97 tooth, the oblique in 31.9%, both the horizontal and oblique in 1.03%, partial fracture in 2.06% ,and both horizontally and vertical in 1.03% was observed.The most affected teeth, respectively of, are the maxillary central incisor (41.23% left, right, 37.11%), maxillary left lateral incisor (9.27%), maxillary right lateral incisor (11.34%), and mandibular central incisor (1.03%).
歯冠破折は歯根破折の自然治癒に悪影響を及ぼす。歯根破折の診断には、従来のX線撮影に代わるものとしてCBCTが選択される。特に、CBCTの断面画像は非常に有用であり、臨床医にとって診断と治療の結果を見るのに便利である。歯根破折, CBCT, 疫学.
CONCLUSIONS: Crown fractures have negative effects on spontaneous healing of root fractures. CBCT are used selected as an alternative to with conventional radiography for diagnosis of root fractures. In particular, ıt's cross-sectional image is quite useful and has been provided more conveniences seeing the results of diagnosis and treatment for clinician. Root fracture, CBCT, Epidemiolog.