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Indian J Dent Res.2018;29(2):133-136.


Evaluation of bioflavonoids on the immediate and delayed microtensile bond strength of self-etch and total-etch adhesive systems to sound dentin.

PMID: 29652002




AIM: This study aims to evaluate the effect of two bioflavonoids (epigallocatechin-3-gallate [EGCG] and catechin) and a protein inhibitor (chlorhexidine [CHX]) on the immediate and delayed microtensile bond strength of self-etch and total-etch adhesive systems to sound dentin.


下顎ヒト第3大臼歯96本の咬合面を研磨し、余分な組織を除去した後、象牙質を露出させた。象牙質標本は酵素阻害剤の塗布により24歯(n=24)からなる4群に無作為に割り付けた。接着システムはセルフエッチ接着システムであるアドパーイージーボンドとトータルエッチ接着システムであるアドパーシングルボンド2を用いた.微小引張接着強さ試験は、Heto-Holten A/Sのサーモサイクラー2000を用いて行った。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The occlusal surfaces of 96 mandibular human third molar teeth specimens were ground after removal of the excess tissues, to expose the middle dentin. The dentin specimens were randomly allocated into four groups, each consisting of 24 teeth (n = 24) according to the application of the enzyme inhibitor. The adhesive system used in this study was Adper easy bond, a self-etch adhesive system, and Adper Single Bond 2, a total-etch adhesive system. Microtensile bond strength testing was conducted using thermocycler 2000, Heto-Holten A/S.



RESULTS: All the three enzyme inhibitors increase the bond strength values of the resin-dentin interphase when used during dentin bonding. The EGCG enzyme inhibitor has shown the highest immediate bond strength to dentin when used with both the adhesive systems.