The effect of different root canal sealers on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth- study.
PMID: 29238376
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of four different root canal sealers on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth.
ヒト下顎前臼歯75本の抜歯したての歯を用いた。使用した根管シーラーの種類により5群に分けた。すべてのサンプルにガッタパーチャを使用した:グループ I: AH Plus根管シーラー、グループ II: MTA Fillapex根管シーラー、グループ III: Apexit根管シーラー、グループ IV: 従来の酸化亜鉛-オイゲノール(ZOE)シーラー、グループ V: コントロール(無重合歯)。歯はアクリル樹脂ブロックに埋め込み、万能試験機(Asian Test Equipments)を用いて破折力を測定した。得られたデータは、一元配置分散分析および検定(Tukeyの検定)を用いて統計的に評価した。すべての群で統計的に有意な結果が得られた(< 0.05)。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventy-five freshly extracted human mandibular premolars were used for the study. Teeth were divided into five groups based on type of root canal sealers used. Gutta-percha was used for all the samples: Group I: AH Plus root canal sealer, Group II: MTA Fillapex root canal sealer, Group III: Apexit root canal sealer, Group IV: Conventional zinc oxide-eugenol (ZOE) sealer, Group V: Control (unobturated teeth). The teeth were embedded in acrylic resin blocks and fracture force was measured using a universal testing machine (Asian Test Equipments). Data obtained were statistically evaluated using one-way ANOVA and test (Tukey's test). All groups showed statistically significant result ( < 0.05).
RESULTS: Group I and Group II showed higher resistance to fracture than other three groups. There was comparable difference in fracture force between Group I and Group II. Moreover, there was no statistically significant difference between Group III and Group IV and between Group IV and Group V.
CONCLUSION: Based on this study, resin-based sealer was more effective as compared to other sealers and the control group. However, no significant differences were observed between ZOE and control group.