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J Adhes Dent.2014 Jun;16(3):267-76.


Evaluation of different restorative techniques for filling flared root canals: fracture resistance and bond strength after mechanical fatigue.

PMID: 24779026




PURPOSE: To evaluate the fracture resistance (FR) and bond strength (BS) after mechanical fatigue (MF) of flared root canals restored with different restorative techniques for fiber post cementation.


84本の片根性小臼歯の根管を歯内療法し,オーバーサイズの根管をシミュレートするために準備した。ただし,ポジティブコントロール群(PC)では,ポストの空洞に適合する直径をもつプレハブのファイバーポスト(PFP)をセメントで固定した。オーバーサイズの根管では,ポストのセメンテーションに関する代替修復技術を以下のようにテストした。NC:ネガティブコントロール(根管の直径よりも小さいPFP);AP:NC:ネガティブコントロール(根管より小さい直径のPFP)、AP:PFP+アクセサリーポスト、RR:コンポジットレジンによる根面補強、DAP:ダイレクトアナトミカルポスト、IAP:インダイレクトアナトミカルポスト。Excite DSCおよびVariolink IIを用いた合着処置後,コンポジットレジンコアに間接的なコンポジットレジン冠を接着し,機械的疲労を与えた(1.2×106サイクル,40N)。各グループから,8個の試験片がプッシュアウトBS試験に,残りの6個の試験片がFR試験に供された。両試験とも,データはANOVAおよびScheffeの検定にかけられた(α=0.05)。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The root canals of 84 single-rooted premolars were endodontically treated and prepared in order to simulate an oversized root canal, except for the positive control group (PC), in which a prefabricated fiber post (PFP) with a diameter compatible with the post cavity was cemented. In the oversized root canals, alternative restorative techniques for post cementation were tested, as follows: NC: negative control (PFP with a diameter smaller than that of the root canal); AP: PFP + accessory posts; RR: root reinforcement with composite resin; DAP: direct anatomical post; IAP: indirect anatomical post. After the luting procedures using Excite DSC and Variolink II, indirect composite crowns were cemented on composite resin cores and the specimens were mechanically fatigued (1.2 x 106 cycles, 40 N). From each group, 8 specimens were subjected to the push-out BS test and the others 6 specimens to the FR test. For both tests, the data were subjected to ANOVA and Scheffe's tests (α = 0.05).



RESULTS: In terms of FR, all alternative techniques showed intermediate performance, being similar to both control groups. In terms of BS, only the groups DAP and IAP were similar to the well-adapted condition (positive control group).



CONCLUSION: The use of DAP and IAP should be the first choice for fiber post cementation in oversized root canals.