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J Endod.2014 Mar;40(3):379-83.


M2 macrophages participate in the biological tissue healing reaction to mineral trioxide aggregate.

PMID: 24565656




INTRODUCTION: This study examined the protein and messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of molecules associated with M2 (wound healing) macrophages in mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA)-implanted rat subcutaneous tissue to elucidate the involvement of M2 macrophages in the connective tissue response to MTA.


新鮮なMTAまたは水酸化カルシウムセメント(Life; Kerr, Romulus, MI)を含むシリコンチューブをWistarラットの背部に皮下移植した。別の動物に移植した固形シリコン棒を対照とした。その後、標本をED1(CD68、一般的なマクロファージマーカー)とED2(CD163、M2マクロファージマーカー)について二重免疫染色した。CD34(血管新生と創傷治癒のマーカー)の免疫染色も行った。CD34、CD163、およびマンノース受容体cタイプ1(M2マクロファージマーカー)のmRNA発現レベルはリアルタイムポリメラーゼ連鎖反応を用いて測定した。

METHODS: Silicone tubes containing freshly mixed MTA or a calcium hydroxide cement (Life; Kerr, Romulus, MI) were subcutaneously implanted into the backs of Wistar rats. Solid silicone rods implanted in different animals served as controls. The specimens were then double immunostained for ED1 (CD68, a general macrophage marker) and ED2 (CD163, an M2 macrophage marker). Immunostaining for CD34 (a marker for vascularization and wound healing) was also performed. Expression levels of CD34, CD163, and mannose receptor c type 1 (an M2 macrophage marker) mRNAs were determined with real-time polymerase chain reaction.


MTA植え込み皮下組織は、Life植え込み組織およびコントロール組織と比較して、植え込み部位下のED1+ED2+マクロファージの密度、CD163およびMMR mRNAの発現レベルの有意な増加を示した。また、MTAを移植した皮下組織は、Lifeを移植した組織や対照組織と比較して、CD34免疫染色領域の有意な増加およびCD34 mRNAのアップレギュレーションを示した。

RESULTS: MTA-implanted subcutaneous tissues showed significant increases in the density of ED1+ED2+ macrophages beneath the implantation site and expression levels of CD163 and MMR mRNAs compared with Life-implanted and control tissues. MTA-implanted subcutaneous tissues also showed a significant increase of CD34-immunostained areas and up-regulation of CD34 mRNAs compared with Life-implanted and control tissues.



CONCLUSIONS: MTA implantation induced the accumulation of M2 macrophage marker (ED2)-expressing macrophages and enhanced the expression of M2 macrophage marker genes. MTA implantation also enhanced the expression of CD34, suggesting acceleration of the healing/tissue repair process. Taken together, biological connective tissue response to MTA may involve wound healing/tissue repair processes involving M2 macrophages.