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Dent Mater.2010 Apr;26(4):320-5.

クロルヘキシジンは接着界面を安定化させる:2年間のin vitro試験

Chlorhexidine stabilizes the adhesive interface: a 2-year in vitro study.

PMID: 20045177




OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the role of endogenous dentin MMPs in auto-degradation of collagen fibrils within adhesive-bonded interfaces. The null hypotheses tested were that adhesive blends or chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) application does not modify dentin MMPs activity and that CHX used as therapeutic primer does not improve the stability of adhesive interfaces over time.


象牙質MMPs活性を測定するために、未処理または0.2-2% CHX処理象牙質上にAdper Scotchbond 1XT (SB1XT)をインキュベートしたヒト象牙質粉末からのタンパク質抽出物のザイモグラムを得た。SB1XT接着界面の微小引張接着強さと界面ナノリーク発現(エッチング表面にCHX前処理を30秒間行った場合と行わなかった場合)を、37℃の人工唾液中で即時および2年間保存後に分析した。

METHODS: Zymograms of protein extracts from human dentin powder incubated with Adper Scotchbond 1XT (SB1XT) on untreated or 0.2-2% CHX-treated dentin were obtained to assay dentin MMPs activity. Microtensile bond strength and interfacial nanoleakage expression of SB1XT bonded interfaces (with or without CHX pre-treatment for 30s on the etched surface) were analyzed immediately and after 2 years of storage in artificial saliva at 37 degrees C.



RESULTS: Zymograms showed that application of SB1XT to human dentin powder increases MMP-2 activity, while CHX pre-treatment inhibited all dentin gelatinolytic activity, irrespective from the tested concentration. CHX significantly lowered the loss of bond strength and nanoleakage seen in acid-etched resin-bonded dentin artificially aged for 2 years.



SIGNIFICANCE: The study demonstrates the active role of SB1XT in dentin MMP-2 activation and the efficacy of CHX inhibition of MMPs even if used at low concentration (0.2%).