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2025年02月 みんなが読んでいる論文
Anti-caries Streptococcus spp.: A potential preventive tool for special needs patients.
- Spec Care Dentist.2024;44(3):813-822.
EvoraPlus Oral Probiotic Tablet: New paradigm for Caries Prevention in Children.
- Int J Clin Pediatr Dent.2024 Sep;17(9):1044-1048.
Beyond Decay: Exploring the Age-associated Variations in and in Dental Caries.
- Int J Clin Pediatr Dent.2024 Sep;17(9):993-998.
Streptococcus mutans細胞壁多糖の構造と生合成機構
Structure and mechanism of biosynthesis of Streptococcus mutans cell wall polysaccharide.
- Nat Commun.2025 Jan;16(1):954.
Inadvertent Ingestion of Orthodontic Wire Impacted in the Esophagus, Mistaken for a Chicken Bone.
- Cureus.2024 Dec;16(12):e75396.
Healing effect of curcumin on tooth extraction sockets in diabetic rats.
- J Appl Oral Sci.2024;32:e20240251.
Treatment patterns and clinical profile in progressive pulmonary fibrosis: a Japanese cross-sectional survey.
- Front Med (Lausanne).2024;11:1526531.
Real-World Safety, Tolerability and Effectiveness of Nintedanib in Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Final Report of Post-marketing Surveillance in Japan.
- Adv Ther.2025 Feb;42(2):1075-1093.
Results from the international collaborative systematic literature review informing the 2023 EULAR recommendations for the treatment of systemic sclerosis.
- Ann Rheum Dis.2025 Jan;84(1):77-92.
EULAR recommendations for the treatment of systemic sclerosis: 2023 update.
- Ann Rheum Dis.2025 Jan;84(1):29-40.
Nintedanib improves bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis by inhibiting the Clec7a/SPP1 pathway in interstitial macrophages.
- Cell Signal.2025 Jan;:111635.
Dry Powder Inhalation of Nintedanib in Dibasic Calcium Phosphate for Targeting the Lungs in Pulmonary Fibrosis.
- Mol Pharm.2025 Feb;
The Role of Value Analysis in Pressure Injury Prevention: A Quality Improvement Project.
- J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs.2025 Jan-Feb 01;52(1):29-35.
Case Report: Case report: Rapidly progressing tooth wear dominated by intrinsic and extrinsic erosion.
- F1000Res.2023;12:1550.
ストレプトコッカス・ミュータンス(Streptococcus mutans)は、細菌-真菌相互作用においてカンジダ・アルビカンスのユビキチン修飾を制御している
Streptococcus mutans regulates ubiquitin modification of Candida albicans in the bacterial-fungal interaction.
- PLoS Pathog.2025 Feb;21(2):e1012887.
The effect of low intensity pulsed ultrasound on dentoalveolar structures during orthodontic force application in diabetic ex-vivo model.
- Arch Oral Biol.2020 Nov;119:104883.
Hard and soft tissue alterations after the application of different soft tissue grafting materials during immediate dental implant placement: a systematic review and Bayesian network meta-analysis.
- BMC Oral Health.2025 Feb;25(1):183.
The airway, breathing and orthodontics.
- Todays FDA.2010;22(2):43-7.
Cephalometric Evaluation of Children with Allergic Rhinitis and Mouth Breathing.
- Acta Med Port.2015;28(3):316-21.
[Morphological and functional peri-oral changes during early treatment of Class II division 1 malocclusions using EF Line functional education devices].
- Orthod Fr.2018 Sep;89(3):289-306.
Risk of Narrow Upper Airway in Class II Children with Large Horizontal Maxillary Overjet Assessed By Acoustic Reflection: a Case-Control Study.
- J Oral Maxillofac Res.2024;15(3):e5.
Sex Differences in Natural History and Health Outcomes Among Individuals With Tic Disorders.
- Neurology.2025 Feb;104(3):e210249.
[Advances in the application of comprehensive behavioral intervention in tic disorder].
- Zhongguo Dang Dai Er Ke Za Zhi.2024 Dec;26(12):1367-1372.
FGF and TGF-β Growth Factor Isoform Modulation of Human Gingival and Periodontal Ligament Fibroblast Wound Healing Phenotype.
- Matrix Biol.2025 Jan;
Evaluation of Biomaterials in Periodontal Regeneration: A Literature Review.
- Cureus.2024 Dec;16(12):e75618.
Risk Factors associated with noncarious cervical lesions.
- J Clin Exp Dent.2024 Jul;16(7):e873-e878.
Novel index for the evaluation of wound healing following erupted tooth extraction.
- Minerva Dent Oral Sci.2025 Jan;
Preventive effects of skin protectants on the development of medical device-related pressure wounds in endoscopic sinonasal surgery.
- Auris Nasus Larynx.2023 Dec;50(6):880-886.
クロルヘキシジンは接着界面を安定化させる:2年間のin vitro試験
Chlorhexidine stabilizes the adhesive interface: a 2-year in vitro study.
- Dent Mater.2010 Apr;26(4):320-5.
Effect of dentin etching and chlorhexidine application on metalloproteinase-mediated collagen degradation.
- Eur J Oral Sci.2011 Feb;119(1):79-85.
How to increase the durability of resin-dentin bonds.
- Compend Contin Educ Dent.2011 Sep;32(7):60-4, 66.
Critical appraisal. Dentin bonding: matrix metalloproteinases and chlorhexidine.
- J Esthet Restor Dent.2011 Oct;23(5):347-52.
Inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase activity in human dentin via novel antibacterial monomer.
- Dent Mater.2015 Mar;31(3):284-92.
Effect of polyacrylic acid on dentin protease activities.
- Dent Mater.2015 Aug;31(8):901-6.
Evaluation of bioflavonoids on the immediate and delayed microtensile bond strength of self-etch and total-etch adhesive systems to sound dentin.
- Indian J Dent Res.2018;29(2):133-136.
Effect of matrix metalloproteinase 8 inhibitor on resin-dentin bonds.
- Dent Mater.2018 May;34(5):756-763.
Expert consensus on orthodontic treatment of protrusive facial deformities.
- Int J Oral Sci.2025 Feb;17(1):5.
Bio-Obturation for Internal Root Resorption in Contralateral Mandibular Molars: A Five-Year Case Study.
- Cureus.2024 Dec;16(12):e76056.
糖尿病患者と非糖尿病患者における、バイオセラミック根管シーラー除去プロトコルの違いが、冠状象牙質に対するコンポジット歯の接着強さに及ぼす影響:ex vivo試験
The effect of different bioceramic root canal sealer removal protocols on the bond strength of composite to coronal dentin in diabetic and non-diabetic patients: an ex vivo study.
- BMC Oral Health.2025 Jan;25(1):170.
Indirect Restorations for Increasing the Vertical Dimension of Occlusion.
- J Esthet Restor Dent.2024 Dec;
Tailoring and characterization of bioactive graft material for alveolar bone preservation and regeneration in fresh extraction sockets of dog model.
- Sci Rep.2025 Jan;15(1):3321.
Wear and damage at the bonded interface between tooth enamel and resin composite.
- J Dent.2019 Apr;83:40-49.
Influence of the Scalpel Finishing Technique on Marginal Gap Formation in Class II Resin Composite Restorations.
- Oper Dent.2023 Jan;48(1):E12-E24.
Is surface roughness of direct resin composite restorations material and polisher-dependent? A systematic review.
- J Esthet Restor Dent.2023 Sep;35(6):947-967.
Anterior Esthetic Restorations with the Stratified Stamp Technique: A Case Report.
- Biomimetics (Basel).2024 May;9(5).
The effect of ferrule and core material on fracture resistance of endodontically treated anterior teeth restored with ceramic crowns after artificial aging.
- J Dent.2024 Aug;147:105106.
Esthetic rehabilitation of labial tooth defects caused by caries of the anterior teeth using a composite resin injection technique with veneer-shaped 3D printing indices.
- J Prosthodont Res.2025 Jan;69(1):127-132.
The survival and clinical performance of anterior composite resin restorations and posterior indirect and cast restorations used to treat generalised tooth wear.
- Br Dent J.2024 Aug;237(3):203-211.
Direct Composite Restorations on Permanent Teeth in the Anterior and Posterior Region - An Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline - Part 1: Indications for Composite Restorations.
- J Adhes Dent.2024 Sep;26:185-200.
Treatment Modalities of Uncomplicated Crown Fracture in Anterior Maxillary Permanent Teeth: A Systematic Review.
- J Esthet Restor Dent.2024 Oct;
[Clinical dilemma and indication selection of restoration for permanent tooth defects in adolescents].
- Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban.2025 Feb;57(1):208-213.
Clinically oriented automatic three-dimensional enamel segmentation via deep learning.
- BMC Oral Health.2025 Jan;25(1):133.
Performance of Fiberglass Posts Versus Fiber- Reinforced Resin Composites in Endodontically Treated Anterior Teeth Without Ferrule: A Systematic Review.
- Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent.2024 Dec;
Longevity of posterior direct versus indirect composite restorations: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Dent Mater.2024 Nov;40(11):e95-e101.
Wound healing after ridge preservation: A randomized controlled trial on short-term (4 months) versus long-term (12 months) histologic outcomes.
- J Periodontol.2023 May;94(5):622-629.
Bone remodeling of the sinus floor observed 19 years after third molar transplantation to close a maxillary defect: a case report.
- Ann Med Surg (Lond).2023 May;85(5):1991-1997.