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2021年01月 みんなが読んでいる論文
Esthetic outcomes after immediate and late implant loading for a single missing tooth in the anterior maxilla.
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Combining a single implant and a veneer restoration in the esthetic zone.
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Development of natural soft tissue architecture and interdental papillae between adjacent implants in the aesthetic zone.
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Interdental papilla management: a review and classification of the therapeutic approaches.
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吸収性コラーゲン膜にヒト線維芽細胞増殖因子2を含浸させた組換えヒト線維芽細胞増殖因子2のミラーズクラスIおよびII歯肉後退欠損症治療における有効性 ヒト初の臨床試験からの予備的結果
Efficacy of recombinant human fibroblast growth factor 2 impregnated absorbable collagen membrane in the treatment of Miller's Class I and II gingival recession defects Preliminary results from the first in human clinical trial.
- J Indian Soc Periodontol.2020 Nov-Dec;24(6):541-546. JISP-24-541. doi: 10.4103/jisp.jisp_76_20.Epub 2020-11-14.
Effect of dental intervention on improvements in metabolic syndrome patients: a randomized controlled clinical trial.
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Oral care product formulations, properties and challenges.
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Preparation and biodegradable properties of hydroxyapatite nanoparticle composite coated with poly lactic-co-glycolic acid/polyvinyl alcohol for bone regeneration.
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Enamel matrix derivative exhibits anti-inflammatory properties in monocytes.
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生体力学的負荷およびインターロイキン-1βの存在下でのEMDの抗炎症効果 in vitro
Anti-inflammatory effects of EMD in the presence of biomechanical loading and interleukin-1β in vitro.
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Effects of enamel matrix derivative on periodontal wound healing in an inflammatory environment in vitro.
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Five-year clinical and histologic results following treatment of human intrabony defects with an enamel matrix derivative combined with a natural bone mineral.
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Five-year clinical and histologic results following treatment of human intrabony defects with an enamel matrix derivative combined with a natural bone mineral.
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Periodontal tissue engineering and regeneration: Consensus Report of the Sixth European Workshop on Periodontology.
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Clinical and histologic evaluation of an enamel matrix derivative combined with a biphasic calcium phosphate for the treatment of human intrabony periodontal defects.
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Effect of an enamel matrix protein derivative (Emdogain) on ex vivo dental plaque vitality.
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Dental health assessed after interproximal enamel reduction: caries risk in posterior teeth.
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Roles of Sedentary Behaviors and Unhealthy Foods in Increasing the Obesity Risk in Adult Men and Women: A Cross-Sectional National Study.
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サウジアラビアの鎌状赤血球症の子供のカロリー摂取量と特定の体格測定に対するオメガ 3 系脂肪酸の影響
Impact of omega-3 fatty acids on calorie intake and certain anthropometric measurements in children with sickle cell disease in Saudi Arabia.
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Translating science into action: periodontal health through public health approaches.
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Association between periodontitis and the Mediterranean diet in young Moroccan individuals.
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Exploration of singular and synergistic effect of xylitol and erythritol on causative agents of dental caries.
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キシリトールとソルビトールのStreptococcus mutansとCandida albicansのバイオフィルムに対する抑制効果はショ糖の存在によって抑制される
Inhibitory effects of xylitol and sorbitol on Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans biofilms are repressed by the presence of sucrose.
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In Vitro Studies of Xylitol and Erythritol Inhibition of Streptococcus Mutans and Streptococcus Sobrinus Growth and Biofilm Production.
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Comparative Effects of CPP-ACP and Xylitol F-Varnishes on the Reduction of Tooth Erosion and Its Progression.
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Generalizability of the added benefits of guided tissue regeneration in the treatment of deep intrabony defects. Evaluation in a multi-center randomized controlled clinical trial.
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Generalizability of the added benefits of guided tissue regeneration in the treatment of deep intrabony defects. Evaluation in a multi-center randomized controlled clinical trial.
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Clinical performance of access flap surgery in the treatment of the intrabony defect. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.
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Symposium: Imaging modalities for drug-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (4), CT and MR imaging findings of antiresorptive agent-related osteonecrosis of the jaws/medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (secondary publication).
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Imaging modalities for drug-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (2), Overview of the position paper on medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw and the current status of the MRONJ in Japan.
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Post-Orthodontic Lower Incisors Recessions: Combined Periodontic and Orthodontic Approach.
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成人患者における歯列矯正後の下切歯と犬歯の傾斜と大陰唇歯肉後退 .アプロスペクティブ研究
Postorthodontic lower incisor and canine inclination and labial gingival recession in adult patients : A prospective study.
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Association of hard and soft tissue factors with gingival recession in orthodontically treated patients: A retrospective study.
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Aggressive nutrition therapy in malnutrition and sarcopenia.
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An experimental study on wound healing of surgically exposed dental pulps in germ-free rats.
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Surgical Orthodontic Treatment in Case of Severe High Angle Skeletal Class II Malocclusion and Mandibular Retrusion.
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Periodontal Regenerative Therapy with Enamel Matrix Derivative in Patient with Chronic Periodontitis: A 3.5-year Follow-up Report.
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Periodontal Regenerative Therapy with Enamel Matrix Derivative in Patient with Chronic Periodontitis: A 3.5-year Follow-up Report.
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What Factors Are Associated With Open Treatment of Pediatric Mandibular Fractures?
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Comparison of the health condition between the 8020 achievers and the 8020 non-achievers.
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Comparison of the health condition between the 8020 achievers and the 8020 non-achievers.
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Importance of clinical examination in dentoalveolar trauma.
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Maxillofacial trauma in children: Association between age and mandibular fracture site.
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Effect of a Connective Tissue Graft in Combination With a Single Flap Approach in the Regenerative Treatment of Intraosseous Defects.
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Patient-related evaluation after systematic periodontal therapy - a clinical study on periodontal health-related quality of life (PHQoL).
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Patient-related evaluation after systematic periodontal therapy - a clinical study on periodontal health-related quality of life (PHQoL).
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Human platelet lysates for human cell propagation.
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上顎洞膜穿孔の管理と同時インプラント埋入。2 症例の報告
Management and simultaneous implant placement of maxillary sinus membrane perforation: A report of two cases.
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Vertical Bone Gain after Sinus Lift Procedures with Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate and Simultaneous Implant Placement-A Cross-Sectional Study.
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Clinical Anatomy and Significance of the Retromolar Foramina and Their Canals: A Literature Review.
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The Papilla Presence Index (PPI): a new system to assess interproximal papillary levels.
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A classification system for loss of papillary height.
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Outcome of supportive peri-implant therapy on the rates of peri-implant diseases and marginal bone loss: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Comparison of cytotoxicity and smear layer removal efficacy of triphala (an Indian ayurvedic herbal formulation) and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as root canal irrigants: An study.
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Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw and Low-Level Laser Therapy as Adjuvant Treatment: A Case Report.
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Effect of Bisphosphonates on the Osteogenic Activity of Osteoprogenitor Cells Cultured on Titanium Surfaces.
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Periodontal regenerative therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes using minimally invasive surgical technique with enamel matrix derivative under 3-year observation: A prospective cohort study.
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The Effects of Motivational Methods Applied During Toothbrushing on Children's Oral Hygiene and Periodontal Health.
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Multiple Epithelial Origin Complications Following Subepithelial Connective Tissue Graft For Root Coverage.
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Multiple Epithelial Origin Complications Following Subepithelial Connective Tissue Graft For Root Coverage.
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Han and Takie法を用いた歯間乳頭の外科的再建における上皮下結合組織移植と血小板リッチフィブリン膜の有効性の比較評価。無作為化比較臨床試験
Comparative evaluation of efficacy of subepithelial connective tissue graft versus platelet-rich fibrin membrane in surgical reconstruction of interdental papillae using Han and Takie technique: A randomized controlled clinical trial.
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Which type of soft tissue augmentation at dental implant sites is best supported by evidence?
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2種類のsubepithelial connective tissue graftによる根被せ後の晩期合併症、臨床的および病理組織学的評価。プロスペクティブコホート研究
Late complications after root coverage with two types of subepithelial connective tissue grafts, clinical and histopathological evaluation: A prospective cohort study.
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Overgrowth of soft tissues after transplantation of a connective tissue graft for the treatment of gingival recession.
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[Comparative study bone tissue temperature changes by using conventional and piezosurgical methods in dental implantology].
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Hmga2 regulation of tooth formation and association with Sox2 and Nanog expression.
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Nutrition as a Key Modifiable Factor for Periodontitis and Main Chronic Diseases.
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Evaluation of four instruments with different working motion using artificial plastic model with C-shaped single canal.
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Isolation and characterization of cells derived from human epithelial rests of Malassez.
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Microbiological and clinical effects of probiotics and antibiotics on nonsurgical treatment of chronic periodontitis: a randomized placebo- controlled trial with 9-month follow-up.
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口腔内病原体の細胞密度依存的な増殖とin vivoでの病原性は、共生菌との種間相互作用によって可能になる
A cross-species interaction with a symbiotic commensal enables cell-density-dependent growth and in vivo virulence of an oral pathogen.
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プロバイオティクス乳酸菌ラムノサスGGは、P. GingivalisとF. Nucleatum腸のDysbiosisに対して保護します
Probiotic Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG Protects Against P. Gingivalis And F. Nucleatum Gut Dysbiosis.
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Biological strategies for the prevention of periodontal disease: Probiotics and vaccines.
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in vitroおよびin vivo(G. mellonella)アプローチを用いたLactobacillus reuteriと歯周病原性細菌との相互作用
Interaction between Lactobacillus reuteri and periodontopathogenic bacteria using in vitro and in vivo (G. mellonella) approaches.
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Modulation of pathogenic oral biofilms towards health with nisin probiotic.
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Alterations and Correlations in Microbial Community and Metabolome Characteristics in Generalized Aggressive Periodontitis.
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Ankle muscle coactivation and its relationship with ankle joint kinematics and kinetics during gait in hemiplegic patients after stroke.
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Altered Muscle Networks in Post-Stroke Survivors.
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Muscle Activity After Stroke: Perspectives on Deploying Surface Electromyography in Acute Care.
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SWEAT² study: effectiveness of trunk training on muscle activity after stroke. A randomized controlled trial.
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Motor module generalization across balance and walking is impaired after stroke.
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Muscle Synergies in Parkinson's Disease.
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Functional relevance of resistance training-induced neuroplasticity in health and disease.
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Effect of Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy on Serum Level of Interleukin-6 and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α in Chronic Periodontitis Patients with and without Hypothyroidism.
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Effect of nonsurgical periodontal therapy on thyroid stimulating hormone in hypothyroid patients with periodontal diseases.
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Relationship between hypothyroidism and periodontitis: A scoping review.
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Evaluation of Efficacy of Surgical Periodontal Therapy with the Use of Bone Graft in the Treatment of Periodontal Intrabony Defects.
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Clinical and CBCT Evaluation of Combined Periodontal Regenerative Therapies Using Enamel Matrix Derivative and Deproteinized Bovine Bone Mineral With or Without Collagen Membrane.
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Regeneration of alveolar ridge defects. Consensus report of group 4 of the 15th European Workshop on Periodontology on Bone Regeneration.
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Could Simultaneous Nasal and Oral Irrigation Be a Nontherapeutic Tool against SARS-CoV-2?
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Clinical performance of alveolar ridge augmentation with xenogeneic bone block grafts versus autogenous bone block grafts. A systematic review.
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Evaluation of density, volume, height and rate of bone resorption of substitutes of autologous bone grafts for the repair of alveolar clefts in humans: A systematic review.
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Clinicopathological and Prognostic Analysis of PD-L1 and PD-L2 Expression in Surgically Resected Primary Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
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Tip of the Tongue Reconstruction with Prelaminated Fasciomucosal Radial Forearm Free Flap.
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