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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Neurovascular Coupling under Chronic Stress Is Modified by Altered GABAergic Interneuron Activity.
  • Kayoung Han
  • Jiwoong Min
  • Myunghee Lee
  • Bok-Man Kang
  • Taeyoung Park
  • Junghyun Hahn
  • Jaeseung Yei
  • Juheon Lee
  • Junsung Woo
  • C Justin Lee
  • Seong-Gi Kim
  • Minah Suh
  • J. Neurosci..2019 12;39(50):10081-10095. JNEUROSCI.1357-19.2019. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1357-19.2019.Epub 2019-10-31.


Characterization and genetic analysis of the oshpl3 rice lesion mimic mutant showing spontaneous cell death and enhanced bacterial blight resistance.
  • Ranran Tu
  • Hong Wang
  • Qunen Liu
  • Dongfei Wang
  • Xingpeng Zhou
  • Peng Xu
  • Yinxing Zhang
  • Weixun Wu
  • Daibo Chen
  • Liyong Cao
  • Shihua Cheng
  • Xihong Shen
  • Plant Physiol. Biochem..2020 May;154:94-104. S0981-9428(20)30215-1. doi: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2020.05.001.Epub 2020-05-08.

ツバ・メラノスポラム(Tuber melanosporum)とツバ・インディカム(Tuber indicum)による植民地化は、根圏におけるマツ・アーマンディ(Pinus armandii)の生育とphoDアルカリホスファターゼをコードする細菌群集に影響を与えることがわかった

Colonization by Tuber melanosporum and Tuber indicum affects the growth of Pinus armandii and phoD alkaline phosphatase encoding bacterial community in the rhizosphere.
  • Xiaoping Zhang
  • Xiaolin Li
  • Lei Ye
  • Yue Huang
  • Zongjing Kang
  • Bo Zhang
  • Xiaoping Zhang
  • Microbiol. Res..2020 Jun;239:126520. S0944-5013(20)30388-8. doi: 10.1016/j.micres.2020.126520.Epub 2020-06-03.


Ancient Genomes Reveal the Evolutionary History and Origin of Cashmere-Producing Goats in China.
  • Yudong Cai
  • Weiwei Fu
  • Dawei Cai
  • Rasmus Heller
  • Zhuqing Zheng
  • Jia Wen
  • Hui Li
  • Xiaolong Wang
  • Akil Alshawi
  • Zhouyong Sun
  • Siqi Zhu
  • Juan Wang
  • Miaomiao Yang
  • Songmei Hu
  • Yan Li
  • Zhirui Yang
  • Mian Gong
  • Yunan Hou
  • Tianming Lan
  • Kui Wu
  • Yulin Chen
  • Yu Jiang
  • Xihong Wang
  • Mol. Biol. Evol..2020 Jul;37(7):2099-2109. 5824306. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msaa103.


[Successful treatment of pre-engraftment disseminated fusariosis with high-dose liposomal amphotericin B in a cord blood transplant recipient].
  • Yasuhiko Harada
  • Makoto Murata
  • Akane Matsumoto
  • Daizo Kato
  • Tetsuya Yagi
  • Takashi Yaguchi
  • Takenori Yoshikawa
  • Takuya Takeichi
  • Masashi Akiyama
  • Yohei Yamaguchi
  • Daisuke Koyama
  • Seitaro Terakura
  • Tetsuya Nishida
  • Hitoshi Kiyoi
  • Rinsho Ketsueki.2019;60(12):1641-1646. doi: 10.11406/rinketsu.60.1641.

肺癌に対する新規EGFR L858Rキナーゼ阻害剤としてのルテオリン-7-グルコシドとエピカテキンガレートの同定。ドッキングとシミュレーションに基づく研究

Identification of luteolin -7-glucoside and epicatechin gallate from , as novel EGFR L858R kinase inhibitors against lung cancer: Docking and simulation-based study.
  • Priyanka Maiti
  • Mahesha Nand
  • Tushar Joshi
  • Muthannan Andavar Ramakrishnan
  • Subhash Chandra
  • J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn..2020 Jun;:1-10. doi: 10.1080/07391102.2020.1784791.Epub 2020-06-24.


Trauma and hemorrhagic shock activate molecular association of 5-lipoxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase-Activating protein in lung tissue.
  • Geoffrey R Nunns
  • John R Stringham
  • Fabia Gamboni
  • Ernest E Moore
  • Miguel Fragoso
  • Gregory R Stettler
  • Christopher C Silliman
  • Anirban Banerjee
  • J. Surg. Res..2018 09;229:262-270. S0022-4804(18)30188-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2018.03.023.Epub 2018-05-05.


Strengthening national nutrition research: rationale and options for a new coordinated federal research effort and authority.
  • Sheila E Fleischhacker
  • Catherine E Woteki
  • Paul M Coates
  • Van S Hubbard
  • Grace E Flaherty
  • Daniel R Glickman
  • Thomas R Harkin
  • David Kessler
  • William W Li
  • Joseph Loscalzo
  • Anand Parekh
  • Sylvia Rowe
  • Patrick J Stover
  • Angie Tagtow
  • Anthony Joon Yun
  • Dariush Mozaffarian
  • Am. J. Clin. Nutr..2020 Jul;nqaa179. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqaa179.Epub 2020-07-20.


A Paleogenomic Reconstruction of the Deep Population History of the Andes.
  • Nathan Nakatsuka
  • Iosif Lazaridis
  • Chiara Barbieri
  • Pontus Skoglund
  • Nadin Rohland
  • Swapan Mallick
  • Cosimo Posth
  • Kelly Harkins-Kinkaid
  • Matthew Ferry
  • Éadaoin Harney
  • Megan Michel
  • Kristin Stewardson
  • Jannine Novak-Forst
  • José M Capriles
  • Marta Alfonso Durruty
  • Karina Aranda Álvarez
  • David Beresford-Jones
  • Richard Burger
  • Lauren Cadwallader
  • Ricardo Fujita
  • Johny Isla
  • George Lau
  • Carlos Lémuz Aguirre
  • Steven LeBlanc
  • Sergio Calla Maldonado
  • Frank Meddens
  • Pablo G Messineo
  • Brendan J Culleton
  • Thomas K Harper
  • Jeffrey Quilter
  • Gustavo Politis
  • Kurt Rademaker
  • Markus Reindel
  • Mario Rivera
  • Lucy Salazar
  • José R Sandoval
  • Calogero M Santoro
  • Nahuel Scheifler
  • Vivien Standen
  • Maria Ines Barreto
  • Isabel Flores Espinoza
  • Elsa Tomasto-Cagigao
  • Guido Valverde
  • Douglas J Kennett
  • Alan Cooper
  • Johannes Krause
  • Wolfgang Haak
  • Bastien Llamas
  • David Reich
  • Lars Fehren-Schmitz
  • Cell.2020 May;181(5):1131-1145.e21. S0092-8674(20)30477-3. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.04.015.Epub 2020-05-07.


Functional transcription promoters at DNA double-strand breaks mediate RNA-driven phase separation of damage-response factors.
  • Fabio Pessina
  • Fabio Giavazzi
  • Yandong Yin
  • Ubaldo Gioia
  • Valerio Vitelli
  • Alessandro Galbiati
  • Sara Barozzi
  • Massimiliano Garre
  • Amanda Oldani
  • Andrew Flaus
  • Roberto Cerbino
  • Dario Parazzoli
  • Eli Rothenberg
  • Fabrizio d'Adda di Fagagna
  • Nat. Cell Biol..2019 10;21(10):1286-1299. 10.1038/s41556-019-0392-4. doi: 10.1038/s41556-019-0392-4.Epub 2019-09-30.


The reaction of arylmethyl isocyanides and arylmethylamines with xanthate esters: a facile and unexpected synthesis of carbamothioates.
  • Narasimhamurthy Rajeev
  • Toreshettahally R Swaroop
  • Ahmad I Alrawashdeh
  • Shofiur Rahman
  • Abdullah Alodhayb
  • Seegehalli M Anil
  • Kuppalli R Kiran
  • Chandra
  • Paris E Georghiou
  • Kanchugarakoppal S Rangappa
  • Maralinganadoddi P Sadashiva
  • Beilstein J Org Chem.2020;16:159-167. doi: 10.3762/bjoc.16.18.Epub 2020-02-03.

繁殖期の開始時に測定された窒素および硫黄の再固定化関連パラメータは、Nおよび/またはS制限供給下で栽培されたナタネ(Brassica napus L.)において、NおよびS施肥を調整するための早期指標となるか?

Do nitrogen- and sulphur-remobilization-related parameters measured at the onset of the reproductive stage provide early indicators to adjust N and S fertilization in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) grown under N- and/or S-limiting supplies?
  • Yacine Akmouche
  • Jeanne Cheneby
  • Mickael Lamboeuf
  • Nicolas Elie
  • Anne Laperche
  • Jessica Bertheloot
  • Philippe D'Hooghe
  • Jacques Trouverie
  • Jean-Christophe Avice
  • Philippe Etienne
  • Sophie Brunel-Muguet
  • Planta.2019 Dec;250(6):2047-2062. 10.1007/s00425-019-03284-2. doi: 10.1007/s00425-019-03284-2.Epub 2019-09-25.

Remind Me To Remember.認知症と軽度の認知障害を持つ高齢者のための新しいスマートフォンリマインダーアプリケーションのパイロット研究

Remind Me To Remember: A pilot study of a novel smartphone reminder application for older adults with dementia and mild cognitive impairment.
  • Katherine Hackett
  • Sarah Lehman
  • Ross Divers
  • Matthew Ambrogi
  • Likhon Gomes
  • Chiu C Tan
  • Tania Giovannetti
  • Neuropsychol Rehabil.2020 Jul;:1-29. doi: 10.1080/09602011.2020.1794909.Epub 2020-07-20.


Nicotinamide Supplementation during the In Vitro Maturation of Oocytes Improves the Developmental Competence of Preimplantation Embryos: Potential Link to SIRT1/AKT Signaling.
  • Marwa El Sheikh
  • Ahmed Atef Mesalam
  • Muhammad Idrees
  • Tabinda Sidrat
  • Ayman Mesalam
  • Kyeong-Lim Lee
  • Il-Keun Kong
  • Cells.2020 Jun;9(6). E1550. doi: 10.3390/cells9061550.Epub 2020-06-25.


Cumulative Sport-Related Injuries and Longer Term Impact in Retired Male Elite- and Amateur-Level Rugby Code Athletes and Non-contact Athletes: A Retrospective Study.
  • Karen Hind
  • Natalie Konerth
  • Ian Entwistle
  • Alice Theadom
  • Gwyn Lewis
  • Doug King
  • Paul Chazot
  • Patria Hume
  • Sports Med.2020 Jul;10.1007/s40279-020-01310-y. doi: 10.1007/s40279-020-01310-y.Epub 2020-07-16.

パキスタン産Fabricius属(Lepidoptera: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Plusiinae)の最初の記録と分類学的記述

First record and taxonomic description of the genus (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Plusiinae) from Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Sajjad
  • Zahid Mahmood Sarwar
  • Syed Ismat Hussain
  • Syed Muhammad Zaka
  • Qamer Saeed
  • Imran Bodlah
  • Khalid Naveed
  • Tahammal Hussain
  • Muhammad Naveed Aslam
  • Waheed Ali Panhwar
  • Hafiz Arslan Anwaar
  • Khalid Ali Khan
  • Saudi J Biol Sci.2020 May;27(5):1375-1379. S1319-562X(19)30303-1. doi: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2019.12.006.Epub 2019-12-13.


Population Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Quizartinib in Healthy Volunteers and Patients With Relapsed/Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
  • Dongwoo Kang
  • Elizabeth Ludwig
  • David Jaworowicz
  • Hannah Huang
  • Jill Fiedler-Kelly
  • Jorge Cortes
  • Siddhartha Ganguly
  • Samer Khaled
  • Alwin Krämer
  • Mark Levis
  • Giovanni Martinelli
  • Alexander Perl
  • Nigel Russell
  • Malaz Abutarif
  • Youngsook Choi
  • Jeanne Mendell
  • Ophelia Yin
  • J Clin Pharmacol.2020 Jun;doi: 10.1002/jcph.1680.Epub 2020-06-29.

サンパウロ州(ブラジル)で分離された臨床株をMALDI-TOF MSおよび分子生物学的手法で同定した初の包括的報告書

First Comprehensive Report of Clinical Strains Isolated in the State of Sao Paulo (Brazil) and Identified by MALDI-TOF MS and Molecular Biology.
  • Mario Henrique Paziani
  • Ludmilla Tonani Carvalho
  • Marcia de Souza Carvalho Melhem
  • Margarete Teresa Gottardo de Almeida
  • Maria Emilia Nadaletto Bonifácio da Silva
  • Roberto Martinez
  • Cledir Santos
  • Marcia Regina von Zeska Kress
  • Microorganisms.2019 Dec;8(1). E66. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8010066.Epub 2019-12-31.

慢性閉塞性肺疾患における LAMA/LABA 合剤併用療法の有効性と安全性。直接的および間接的な治療比較の系統的レビュー

Efficacy and Safety of LAMA/LABA Fixed-Dose Combination Therapies in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Systematic Review of Direct and Indirect Treatment Comparisons.
  • John R Hurst
  • Kevin Gruffydd-Jones
  • Mousumi Biswas
  • Deniz Guranlioglu
  • Martin Jenkins
  • Neda Stjepanovic
  • Arushi Bamrara
  • Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis.2020;15:1529-1543. 230955. doi: 10.2147/COPD.S230955.Epub 2020-07-01.


Searching for novel Cdk5 substrates in brain by comparative phosphoproteomics of wild type and Cdk5-/- mice.
  • Erick Contreras-Vallejos
  • Elías Utreras
  • Daniel A Bórquez
  • Michaela Prochazkova
  • Anita Terse
  • Howard Jaffe
  • Andrea Toledo
  • Cristina Arruti
  • Harish C Pant
  • Ashok B Kulkarni
  • Christian González-Billault
  • PLoS ONE.2014;9(3):e90363. PONE-D-13-46666. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0090363.Epub 2014-03-21.


Fas-mediated neutrophil apoptosis is accelerated by Bid, Bak, and Bax and inhibited by Bcl-2 and Mcl-1.
  • Ben A Croker
  • Joanne A O'Donnell
  • Cameron J Nowell
  • Donald Metcalf
  • Grant Dewson
  • Kirsteen J Campbell
  • Kelly L Rogers
  • Yifang Hu
  • Gordon K Smyth
  • Jian-Guo Zhang
  • Michael White
  • Kurt Lackovic
  • Louise H Cengia
  • Lorraine A O'Reilly
  • Philippe Bouillet
  • Suzanne Cory
  • Andreas Strasser
  • Andrew W Roberts
  • Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A..2011 Aug;108(32):13135-40. 1110358108. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1110358108.Epub 2011-07-18.

モンタニド ISA 50V をアジュバントした六価組換えタンパク質ワクチンの開発と急性トキソプラズマ症に対する保護効果の決定

Development of a hexavalent recombinant protein vaccine adjuvanted with Montanide ISA 50 V and determination of its protective efficacy against acute toxoplasmosis.
  • Esra Atalay Şahar
  • Hüseyin Can
  • Sultan Gülçe İz
  • Aysu Değirmenci Döşkaya
  • Mina Kalantari-Dehaghi
  • Remziye Deveci
  • Adnan Yüksel Gürüz
  • Mert Döşkaya
  • BMC Infect. Dis..2020 Jul;20(1):493. 10.1186/s12879-020-05220-2. doi: 10.1186/s12879-020-05220-2.Epub 2020-07-10.


Activation of PINK1-Parkin-Mediated Mitophagy Degrades Mitochondrial Quality Control Proteins in Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy.
  • Takashi Miyai
  • Shivakumar Vasanth
  • Geetha Melangath
  • Neha Deshpande
  • Varun Kumar
  • Anne-Sophie Benischke
  • Yuming Chen
  • Marianne O Price
  • Francis W Price
  • Ula V Jurkunas
  • Am. J. Pathol..2019 10;189(10):2061-2076. S0002-9440(19)30653-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2019.06.012.Epub 2019-07-27.


The association of ideal cardiovascular health with self-reported health, diabetes, and adiposity in African American males.
  • Emmanuela B Aboagye-Mensah
  • Rosevine A Azap
  • James B Odei
  • Darrell M Gray
  • Timiya S Nolan
  • Rana Elgazzar
  • DeVeonne White
  • John Gregory
  • Joshua J Joseph
  • Prev Med Rep.2020 Sep;19:101151. S2211-3355(20)30111-X. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2020.101151.Epub 2020-06-26.

土壌中の低濃度または不溶性のカドミウム化合物に対するハイパーアキュムレータSolanum nigrum L.の強い蓄積能力とそのファイトレメディエーションへの示唆

Strong accumulation capacity of hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum L. for low or insoluble Cd compounds in soil and its implication for phytoremediation.
  • Xuekai Dou
  • Huiping Dai
  • Lidia Skuza
  • Shuhe Wei
  • Chemosphere.2020 Jul;260:127564. S0045-6535(20)31759-8. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127564.Epub 2020-07-07.