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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


COVID-19 and Kidney Transplantation: Results from the TANGO International Transplant Consortium.
  • Paolo Cravedi
  • Sarvode Mothi Suraj
  • Yorg Azzi
  • Meredith Haverly
  • Samira Farouk
  • María José Pérez-Sáez
  • Maria Dolores Redondo-Pachón
  • Barbara Murphy
  • Sander Florman
  • Laura Goldfarb Cyrino
  • Monica Grafals
  • Sandheep Venkataraman
  • Xingxing Shelley Cheng
  • Aileen Xinqian Wang
  • Gianluigi Zaza
  • Andrea Ranghino
  • Lucrezia Furian
  • Joaquin Manrique
  • Umberto Maggiore
  • Ilaria Gandolfini
  • Nikhil Agrawal
  • Het Patel
  • Enver Akalin
  • Leonardo V Riella
  • Am. J. Transplant..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/ajt.16185.Epub 2020-07-10.

EGFR L861Q 突然変異と後天的MET増幅を有する進行非小細胞肺癌患者におけるアファチニブとクリゾチニブ投与後の持続的な完全奏効:症例報告

Durable complete response after afatinib and crizotinib in an advanced non-small cell lung cancer patient with EGFR L861Q mutation and acquired MET amplification: a case report.
  • Yaling Long
  • Kai Zhang
  • Yanying Li
  • Min Yu
  • Jiao Zhu
  • Meijuan Huang
  • Ann Palliat Med.2020 Jun;apm-19-482. doi: 10.21037/apm-19-482.Epub 2020-06-29.


Safety evaluation of the food enzyme alpha-amylase from non-genetically modified strain (strain DP-Azb60).
  • Vittorio Silano
  • José Manuel Barat Baviera
  • Claudia Bolognesi
  • Beat Johannes Brüschweiler
  • Pier Sandro Cocconcelli
  • Riccardo Crebelli
  • David Michael Gott
  • Konrad Grob
  • Evgenia Lampi
  • Alicja Mortensen
  • Gilles Rivière
  • Inger-Lise Steffensen
  • Christina Tlustos
  • Henk Van Loveren
  • Laurence Vernis
  • Holger Zorn
  • Klaus-Dieter Jany
  • Boet Glandorf
  • André Penninks
  • Davor Želježic
  • Magdalena Andryszkiewicz
  • Davide Arcella
  • Yi Liu
  • Annamaria Rossi
  • Karl-Heinz Engel
  • Andrew Chesson
  • EFSA J.2019 May;17(5):e05680. EFS25680. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2019.5680.Epub 2019-05-08.


Study of serum and urinary markers of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in myelomeningocele patients with renal injury detected by DMSA.
  • Cássia Maria Carvalho Abrantes do Amaral
  • Dulce Elena Casarini
  • Maria Cristina Andrade
  • Marcela Leal da Cruz
  • Antônio Macedo
  • Int Braz J Urol.2020 Sep-Oct;46(5):805-813. IBJU20190797. doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2019.0797.


-Mediated Synthesis of Silver and Gold Nanoparticles Active against Colon Cancer Cell Lines: A New Era of Herbonanoceutics.
  • Vivek K Chaturvedi
  • Navneet Yadav
  • Neeraj K Rai
  • Noura H Abd Ellah
  • Raghvendra A Bohara
  • Ibrahim F Rehan
  • Najat Marraiki
  • Gaber El-Saber Batiha
  • Helal F Hetta
  • M P Singh
  • Molecules.2020 Jul;25(13). E3091. doi: 10.3390/molecules25133091.Epub 2020-07-07.


A combination of combat experience, early abduction, and severe traumatization fuels appetitive aggression and violence among abductees of rebel war in Northern Uganda.
  • Anja C Zeller
  • Daniela Conrad
  • Anna Schneider
  • Alexander Behnke
  • Anett Pfeiffer
  • Gerrit F Blum
  • Sarah Wilker
  • Thomas Elbert
  • Iris-Tatjana Kolassa
  • Aggress Behav.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1002/ab.21914.Epub 2020-07-08.


Activity of ceftolozane-tazobactam and comparators when tested against bacterial surveillance isolates collected from patients at risk of infections caused by resistant gram-negative pathogens.
  • Michael A Pfaller
  • Dee Shortridge
  • S J Ryan Arends
  • Leonard R Duncan
  • Jennifer M Streit
  • Robert K Flamm
  • Diagn. Microbiol. Infect. Dis..2020 Jun;98(1):115101. S0732-8893(20)30478-8. doi: 10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2020.115101.Epub 2020-06-06.


Methylglyoxal and D-lactate in cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury: Investigation of the potential mechanism via fluorogenic derivatization liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (FD-LC-MS/MS) proteomic analysis.
  • Shih-Ming Chen
  • Tsung-Hui Chen
  • Hui-Ting Chang
  • Tzu-Yao Lin
  • Chia-Yu Lin
  • Pei-Yun Tsai
  • Kazuhiro Imai
  • Chien-Ming Chen
  • Jen-Ai Lee
  • PLoS ONE.2020;15(7):e0235849. PONE-D-20-05819. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235849.Epub 2020-07-10.


Clinical Recommendations for Implant Abutment Selection for Single-Implant Reconstructions: Customized vs Standardized Ceramic and Metallic Solutions.
  • Cristina Zarauz
  • Joao Pitta
  • Guillermo Pradies
  • Irena Sailer
  • Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent.2020 Jan/Feb;40(1):31-37. doi: 10.11607/prd.3913.


Clinical Characteristics of Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Receiving Emergency Medical Services in King County, Washington.
  • Betty Y Yang
  • Leslie M Barnard
  • Jamie M Emert
  • Christopher Drucker
  • Leilani Schwarcz
  • Catherine R Counts
  • David L Murphy
  • Sally Guan
  • Kosuke Kume
  • Karen Rodriquez
  • Tracie Jacinto
  • Susanne May
  • Michael R Sayre
  • Thomas Rea
  • JAMA Netw Open.2020 07;3(7):e2014549. 2767993. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.14549.Epub 2020-07-01.


Evaluation of Variances in VEGF-A-D and VEGFR-1-3 Expression in the Ishikawa Endometrial Cancer Cell Line Treated with Salinomycin and An-ti-Angiogenic/Lymphangiogenic Effect.
  • Piotr Kras
  • Karol Talkowski
  • Beniamin Oskar Grabarek
  • Nina Dziobek
  • Dariusz Boroń
  • Marcin Oplawski
  • Curr Pharm Biotechnol.2020 Jul;CPB-EPUB-108031. doi: 10.2174/1389201021666200710093519.Epub 2020-07-09.


Cross-presentation of dead-cell-associated antigens by DNGR-1 dendritic cells contributes to chronic allograft rejection in mice.
  • Saidou Balam
  • Rebecca Kesselring
  • Eggenhofer Elke
  • Stephanie Blaimer
  • Katja Evert
  • Matthias Evert
  • Hans J Schlitt
  • Edward K Geissler
  • Janneke van Blijswijk
  • Sonia Lee
  • Caetano Reis E Sousa
  • Stefan M Brunner
  • Stefan Fichtner-Feigl
  • Eur. J. Immunol..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1002/eji.201948501.Epub 2020-07-08.


Safety evaluation of the food enzyme phospholipase C from a genetically modified (strain PRF).
  • Vittorio Silano
  • José Manuel Barat Baviera
  • Claudia Bolognesi
  • Beat Johannes Brüschweiler
  • Pier Sandro Cocconcelli
  • Riccardo Crebelli
  • David Michael Gott
  • Konrad Grob
  • Evgenia Lampi
  • Alicja Mortensen
  • Gilles Rivière
  • Inger-Lise Steffensen
  • Christina Tlustos
  • Henk Van Loveren
  • Laurence Vernis
  • Holger Zorn
  • Lieve Herman
  • Francesca Marcon
  • Giovanni Bernasconi
  • Ana Gomes
  • Yi Liu
  • Andrew Chesson
  • EFSA J.2019 Apr;17(4):e05682. EFS25682. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2019.5682.Epub 2019-04-26.


Increasing the interval between repeated anesthetic exposures reduces long-lasting synaptic changes in late postnatal mice.
  • Xianshu Ju
  • Jianchen Cui
  • Yulim Lee
  • Sangil Park
  • Boohwi Hong
  • Sungho Yoo
  • Yoon Hee Kim
  • Youngkwon Ko
  • Chaeseong Lim
  • Sun Yeul Lee
  • Gi Ryang Kweon
  • Jun Young Heo
  • Woosuk Chung
  • J. Neurochem..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/jnc.15121.Epub 2020-07-08.


Accurate assessment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease lesions in liver allograft biopsies by a smartphone platform: A proof of concept.
  • Manuela Cesaretti
  • Jocelyn Gal
  • Charles Bouveyron
  • Alberto Diaspro
  • Eric Fontas
  • Andrea Antonini
  • Rodolphe Anty
  • Antonio Iannelli
  • Stephanie Patouraux
  • Microsc. Res. Tech..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1002/jemt.23478.Epub 2020-07-01.

DSM 32159由来のフモニシン・エステラーゼの豚・家禽用飼料添加剤としての安全性と有効性

Safety and efficacy of fumonisin esterase from DSM 32159 as a technological feed additive for pigs and poultry.
  • Guido Rychen
  • Gabriele Aquilina
  • Giovanna Azimonti
  • Vasileios Bampidis
  • Maria de Lourdes Bastos
  • Georges Bories
  • Andrew Chesson
  • Pier Sandro Cocconcelli
  • Gerhard Flachowsky
  • Jürgen Gropp
  • Boris Kolar
  • Maryline Kouba
  • Marta López-Alonso
  • Secundino López Puente
  • Baltasar Mayo
  • Fernando Ramos
  • Maria Saarela
  • Roberto Edoardo Villa
  • Robert John Wallace
  • Pieter Wester
  • Giovanna Martelli
  • Derek Renshaw
  • Boet Glandorf
  • Lieve Herman
  • Sirpa Kärenlampi
  • Jaime Aguilera
  • Gloria López-Gálvez
  • Alberto Mantovani
  • EFSA J.2018 May;16(5):e05269. EFS25269. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5269.Epub 2018-05-17.


Development of A4 antibody for detection of neuraminidase I223R/H275Y-associated antiviral multidrug-resistant influenza virus.
  • Kyeonghye Guk
  • Hyeran Kim
  • Miyeon Lee
  • Yoon-Aa Choi
  • Seul Gee Hwang
  • Gaon Han
  • Hye-Nan Kim
  • Hongki Kim
  • Hwangseo Park
  • Dongeun Yong
  • Taejoon Kang
  • Eun-Kyung Lim
  • Juyeon Jung
  • Nat Commun.2020 Jul;11(1):3418. 10.1038/s41467-020-17246-w. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-17246-w.Epub 2020-07-09.


MOTILIPERM Ameliorates Immobilization Stress-Induced Testicular Dysfunction via Inhibition of Oxidative Stress and Modulation of the Nrf2/HO-1 Pathway in SD Rats.
  • Keshab Kumar Karna
  • Kiran Kumar Soni
  • Jae Hyung You
  • Na Young Choi
  • Hye Kyung Kim
  • Chul Young Kim
  • Sung Won Lee
  • Yu Seob Shin
  • Jong Kwan Park
  • Int J Mol Sci.2020 Jul;21(13). E4750. doi: 10.3390/ijms21134750.Epub 2020-07-03.


Combination of pegylated-interferon-alpha and nucleos(t)ide analogue treatment enhances the activity of natural killer cells in nucleos(t)ide analogue experienced chronic hepatitis B patients.
  • Xichen Pang
  • Li Zhang
  • Nianqiu Liu
  • Bin Liu
  • Zhiwei Chen
  • Hu Li
  • Min Chen
  • Mingli Peng
  • Hong Ren
  • Peng Hu
  • Clin. Exp. Immunol..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/cei.13486.Epub 2020-07-07.


Hydroxychloroquine efficacy and safety in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease severity during pregnancy (COVID-Preg): a structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised placebo controlled trial.
  • Raquel González
  • Laura García-Otero
  • Clara Pons-Duran
  • Elena Marbán-Castro
  • Anna Goncé
  • Elisa Llurba
  • Maria Del Mar Gil
  • Miguel Ángel Rodríguez-Zambrano
  • Haily Chen
  • Máximo Ramírez
  • Azucena Bardají
  • Clara Menendez
  • Trials.2020 Jul;21(1):607. 10.1186/s13063-020-04557-y. doi: 10.1186/s13063-020-04557-y.Epub 2020-07-02.


Comparison of the osteogenic, adipogenic, chondrogenic and cementogenic differentiation potential of periodontal ligament cells cultured on different biomaterials.
  • C C Barrera-Ortega
  • L Hoz-Rodríguez
  • H Arzate
  • A Fonseca-García
  • J Pérez-Alvarez
  • S E Rodil
  • Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl.2017 Jul;76:1075-1084. S0928-4931(16)32115-4. doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2017.03.213.Epub 2017-03-24.


Generation of Complete Multi-Cell Type Lung Organoids From Human Embryonic and Patient-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Infectious Disease Modeling and Therapeutics Validation.
  • Sandra L Leibel
  • Rachael N McVicar
  • Alicia M Winquist
  • Walter D Niles
  • Evan Y Snyder
  • Curr Protoc Stem Cell Biol.2020 09;54(1):e118. doi: 10.1002/cpsc.118.


Effect of three silver diamine fluoride application protocols on the microtensile bond strength of resin-modified glass ionomer cement to carious dentin in primary teeth.
  • Savil Ramachandra Uchil
  • Baranya Shrikrishna Suprabha
  • Ethel Suman
  • Ramya Shenoy
  • Srikant Natarajan
  • Arathi Rao
  • J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent.2020 Apr-Jun;38(2):138-144. JIndianSocPedodPrevDent_2020_38_2_138_288217. doi: 10.4103/JISPPD.JISPPD_159_20.