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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Acute care surgery, trauma and disaster relief: a clinical exchange between the University of British Columbia and the Mexican Red Cross.
  • Joseph Margolick
  • Lu Yin
  • Shahrzad Joharifard
  • Avi Afya
  • Maria de Los Angeles Mendoza Velez
  • Edgar Meza
  • Salim Sohani
  • Charlotte Laane
  • Elenor Ball-Banting
  • Emilie Joos
  • Can J Surg.2020 Jul;63(4):E338-E345. doi: 10.1503/cjs.004719.Epub 2020-07-09.

ヒ トモノアミンオキシダーゼ(hMAO)AおよびhMAO B阻害剤:アルテミシア・ドラキュンクルスL.由来のヒトモノアミンオキシダーゼAおよびB阻害剤ヘルニアリンおよびスキミン:A. dracunculus L.由来のヒトモノアミンオキシダーゼAおよびB阻害剤

human monoamine oxidase (hMAO) A and hMAO B inhibitors from Artemisia dracunculus L. herniarin and skimmin: human mononamine oxidase A and B inhibitors from A. dracunculus L.
  • Tuba Aydin
  • Hulya Akincioglu
  • Mehmet Gumustas
  • Ilhami Gulcin
  • Cavit Kazaz
  • Ahmet Cakir
  • Z. Naturforsch., C, J. Biosci..2020 Jun;/j/znc.ahead-of-print/znc-2019-0227/znc-2019-0227.xml. doi: 10.1515/znc-2019-0227.Epub 2020-06-29.

アルテミシア・ドラキュンクルスL.由来のヒトモノアミンオキシダーゼ(hMAO)AおよびhMAO B阻害剤:ヘルニアリンおよびスキミン:A. dracunculus L.由来のヒトモノアミンオキシダーゼAおよびB阻害剤

human monoamine oxidase (hMAO) A and hMAO B inhibitors from Artemisia dracunculus L. herniarin and skimmin: human mononamine oxidase A and B inhibitors from A. dracunculus L.
  • Tuba Aydin
  • Hulya Akincioglu
  • Mehmet Gumustas
  • Ilhami Gulcin
  • Cavit Kazaz
  • Ahmet Cakir
  • Z. Naturforsch., C, J. Biosci..2020 Jun;/j/znc.ahead-of-print/znc-2019-0227/znc-2019-0227.xml. doi: 10.1515/znc-2019-0227.Epub 2020-06-29.


Assessment of stress markers in restrained individuals following physical stress with and without sham CED activation.
  • Christian Sloane
  • Deborah C Mash
  • Theodore C Chan
  • Fred Kolkhorst
  • Tom Neuman
  • Edward M Castillo
  • Daniel Lasoff
  • Gabriel Wardi
  • Xiaobin Xie
  • Gary M Vilke
  • J Forensic Leg Med.2020 Jun;74:101982. S1752-928X(20)30089-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jflm.2020.101982.Epub 2020-06-26.


Acute continuous nocturnal light exposure decreases BSR under sevoflurane anesthesia in C57BL/6J mice: possible role of differentially spared light-sensitive pathways under anesthesia.
  • Daiqiang Liu
  • Xinfeng Chen
  • Yujie Huang
  • Shuang Zhang
  • Jiayi Wu
  • Jiayan Li
  • Dan Wang
  • Bo Tian
  • Wei Mei
  • Am J Transl Res.2020;12(6):2843-2859. Epub 2020-06-15.


Ketamine mouthwash versus placebo in the treatment of severe oral mucositis pain in children with cancer: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial.
  • Satya Prakash
  • Jagdish Prasad Meena
  • Aditya Kumar Gupta
  • Sameer Bakhshi
  • Thirumurthy Velpandian
  • R M Pandey
  • Rachna Seth
  • Pediatr Blood Cancer.2020 Jul;:e28573. doi: 10.1002/pbc.28573.Epub 2020-07-10.


Seasonal characteristic composition of inorganic elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric fine particulate matter and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of COPD patients in Northeast China.
  • Chunli Che
  • Jialin Li
  • Fushi Dong
  • Chunling Zhang
  • Lu Liu
  • Xiazhong Sun
  • Lixin Ma
  • Hong Qi
  • Kun Wang
  • Respir Med.2020 Jul;171:106082. S0954-6111(20)30222-5. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2020.106082.Epub 2020-07-06.


Impact of Education on Knowledge and Practice of Kala Azar Preventive Measures among Seasonal and Migrant Agricultural Workers in Northwest Ethiopia.
  • Mekuriaw Alemayehu
  • Lucy Paintain
  • Cherinet Adera
  • Resome Berhe
  • Abebaw Gebeyehu
  • Zemichael Gizaw
  • Merce Herrero
  • Abate Mulugeta Beshah
  • Margriet Den Boer
  • Adane Nigusie
  • Meseret Alem
  • Enyew Yechale
  • Dia-Eldin A Elnaiem
  • Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg..2020 04;102(4):758-767. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.19-0079.

自己免疫性肝炎における自己反応性CD4 T細胞の統合的分子プロファイリング

Integrative molecular profiling of autoreactive CD4 T cells in autoimmune hepatitis.
  • Amédée Renand
  • Iñaki Cervera-Marzal
  • Laurine Gil
  • Chuang Dong
  • Alexandra Garcia
  • Erwan Kervagoret
  • Hélène Auble
  • Sarah Habes
  • Caroline Chevalier
  • Fabienne Vavasseur
  • Béatrice Clémenceau
  • Anaïs Cardon
  • Jean-Paul Judor
  • Jean-François Mosnier
  • Florence Tanné
  • David-Axel Laplaud
  • Sophie Brouard
  • Jérôme Gournay
  • Pierre Milpied
  • Sophie Conchon
  • J. Hepatol..2020 Jul;S0168-8278(20)30453-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2020.05.053.Epub 2020-07-07.


Susceptibility and severity of COVID-19 in patients treated with bDMARDS and tsDMARDs: a population-based study.
  • Carlo Salvarani
  • Gianluigi Bajocchi
  • Pamela Mancuso
  • Elena Galli
  • Francesco Muratore
  • Luigi Boiardi
  • Mariagrazia Catanoso
  • Nicolò Pipitone
  • Giulia Cassone
  • Nicolò Girolimetto
  • Stefania Croci
  • Luca Cimino
  • Federeica Gradellini
  • Marina Beltrami
  • Vito Di Lernia
  • Giovammi Dolci
  • Marco Massari
  • Anna Maria Marata
  • Massimo Costantini
  • Paolo Giorgi Rossi
  • Ann. Rheum. Dis..2020 07;79(7):986-988. annrheumdis-2020-217903. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-217903.Epub 2020-05-28.


Environmental pressures on stomatal size may drive plant genome size evolution: evidence from a natural experiment with Cape geophytes.
  • Pavel Veselý
  • Petr Šmarda
  • Petr Bureš
  • Charles Stirton
  • A Muthama Muasya
  • Ladislav Mucina
  • Lucie Horová
  • Kristýna Veselá
  • Alexandra Šilerová
  • Jakub Šmerda
  • Ondřej Knápek
  • Ann. Bot..2020 May;mcaa095. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcaa095.Epub 2020-05-31.


Effects of orthodontic tooth extrusion produced by different techniques, on the periodontal tissues: a histological study in dogs.
  • Vanessa Camila da Silva
  • Rafael Scaf de Molon
  • Renato Parsekian Martins
  • Fernando Salimon Ribeiro
  • Ana Emília Farias Pontes
  • Daniela Leal Zandim-Barcelos
  • Fábio Renato Manzolli Leite
  • Carlos Benatti Neto
  • Rosemary Adriana Chiérici Marcantonio
  • Joni Augusto Cirelli
  • Arch. Oral Biol..2020 Aug;116:104768. S0003-9969(20)30146-1. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2020.104768.Epub 2020-05-20.


Effects of preoperative dental examination and oral hygiene instruction on surgical site infection after hepatectomy: a retrospective study.
  • Takumi Hasegawa
  • Daisuke Takeda
  • Motofumi Tanaka
  • Rika Amano
  • Izumi Saito
  • Yasumasa Kakei
  • Akira Kimoto
  • Takumi Fukumoto
  • Masaya Akashi
  • Support Care Cancer.2020 May;10.1007/s00520-020-05525-7. doi: 10.1007/s00520-020-05525-7.Epub 2020-05-18.


Access Type for Endovascular Repair in Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Does Not Affect Major Morbidity or Mortality.
  • Thomas W Cheng
  • Shelley K Maithel
  • Nii-Kabu Kabutey
  • Roy M Fujitani
  • Alik Farber
  • Scott R Levin
  • Virendra I Patel
  • Douglas W Jones
  • Denis Rybin
  • Gheorghe Doros
  • Jeffrey J Siracuse
  • Ann Vasc Surg.2020 Jul;S0890-5096(20)30571-9. doi: 10.1016/j.avsg.2020.07.004.Epub 2020-07-10.

避妊薬デソゲストレルのCunninghamella elegansを用いたバイオトランスフォーメーションとその代謝物の抗炎症活性について

Biotransformation of Contraceptive Drug Desogestrel with Cunninghamella elegans, and Anti-inflammatory Activity of its Metabolites.
  • Iman Ibrahim
  • Atia-Tul-Wahab
  • Nisha Khan
  • Mahwish Siddiqui
  • El Hassan Ajandouz
  • Almas Jabeen
  • Joelle Mesmar
  • Elias Baydoun
  • M Iqbal Choudhary
  • Steroids.2020 Jul;:108694. S0039-128X(20)30120-3. doi: 10.1016/j.steroids.2020.108694.Epub 2020-07-07.

成人乾癬患者における地理的舌および亀裂性舌と ABO 血液型との関連性:サウジアラビアの第三次治療病院からの新規研究

Association of geographic tongue and fissured tongue with ABO blood group among adult psoriasis patients: a novel study from a tertiary care hospital in Saudi Arabia.
  • Nabeeh A Al Qahtani
  • Angeline Deepthi
  • Nada Mohammed Alhussain
  • Bashayer Ayesh Mohammed Al Shahrani
  • Hamza Alshehri
  • Amal Alhefzi
  • Betsy Joseph
  • Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol.2019 Jun;127(6):490-497. S2212-4403(19)30108-7. doi: 10.1016/j.oooo.2019.01.080.Epub 2019-02-07.


Opioid avoidance in liver transplant recipients: reduction in postoperative opioid use through a multidisciplinary, multimodal approach.
  • Heather L Kutzler
  • Richard Gannon
  • William Nolan
  • Leah Meisterling
  • Marbelia Cech
  • Danielle Gleason
  • Justin Uzl
  • Caroline Rochon
  • Bejon Maneckshana
  • Oscar K Serrano
  • Jenifer Riley
  • David O'Sullivan
  • Eva Urtasun Sotil
  • Michael Einstein
  • Patricia Sheiner
  • Liver Transpl..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1002/lt.25847.Epub 2020-07-13.


Radiographic and clinical outcomes using intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging for transsphenoidal resection of pituitary adenomas.
  • Rupa G Juthani
  • Anne S Reiner
  • Ankur R Patel
  • Aimee Cowan
  • Marie Roguski
  • Katherine S Panageas
  • Eliza B Geer
  • Sasan Karimi
  • Marc A Cohen
  • Viviane Tabar
  • J. Neurosurg..2020 Jul;:1-12. 2020.4.JNS20178. doi: 10.3171/2020.4.JNS20178.Epub 2020-07-03.


Long-Term, Open-Label Extension Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Epicutaneous Immunotherapy for Peanut Allergy in Children: PEOPLE 3-Year Results.
  • David M Fleischer
  • Wayne G Shreffler
  • Dianne E Campbell
  • Todd D Green
  • Sara Anvari
  • Amal Assa'ad
  • Philippe Bégin
  • Kirsten Beyer
  • J Andrew Bird
  • Terri Brown-Whitehorn
  • Aideen Byrne
  • Edmond S Chan
  • Amarjit Cheema
  • Sharon Chinthrajah
  • Hey Chong
  • Carla M Davis
  • Lara S Ford
  • Rémi Gagnon
  • Matthew Greenhawt
  • Jonathan O'B Hourihane
  • Stacie M Jones
  • Edwin H Kim
  • Lars Lange
  • Bruce J Lanser
  • Stephanie Leonard
  • Vera Mahler
  • Andreas Maronna
  • Anna Nowak-Wegrzyn
  • Roxanne C Oriel
  • Michael O'Sullivan
  • Daniel Petroni
  • Jacqueline A Pongracic
  • Susan L Prescott
  • Lynda C Schneider
  • Peter Smith
  • Doris Staab
  • Gordon Sussman
  • Robert Wood
  • William H Yang
  • Romain Lambert
  • Aurélie Peillon
  • Timothée Bois
  • Hugh A Sampson
  • J. Allergy Clin. Immunol..2020 Jul;S0091-6749(20)30957-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2020.06.028.Epub 2020-07-10.

クロアチアのBRCA 1-2変異、プラチナ感受性の再発卵巣がん患者におけるオラパリブの成績。レトロスペクティブな非介入研究

Olaparib Outcomes in Patients with BRCA 1-2 Mutated, Platinum-Sensitive, Recurrent Ovarian Cancer in Croatia: A Retrospective Noninterventional Study.
  • Ana Majić
  • Branka Petrić Miše
  • Višnja Matković
  • Ingrid Belac Lovasić
  • Kristina Katić
  • Ivana Canjko
  • Ana Frobe
  • Žarko Bajić
  • Eduard Vrdoljak
  • J Oncol.2020;2020:6423936. doi: 10.1155/2020/6423936.Epub 2020-06-20.

分子動力学シミュレーションを用いたAcinetobacter baumannii β-ケトアシルアシルキャリア蛋白質合成酵素IIIにおける阻害剤結合ホットスポットの同定

Identification of inhibitor binding hotspots in Acinetobacter baumannii β-ketoacyl acyl carrier protein synthase III using molecular dynamics simulation.
  • Yuna Ha
  • Mihee Jang
  • Sehan Lee
  • Jee-Young Lee
  • Woo Cheol Lee
  • Seri Bae
  • Jihee Kang
  • Minwoo Han
  • Yangmee Kim
  • J. Mol. Graph. Model..2020 Jul;100:107669. S1093-3263(20)30458-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jmgm.2020.107669.Epub 2020-07-08.


Single-crystalline FeS/FeO coated zero-valent iron synthesized with vacuum chemical vapor deposition technique: Enhanced reductive, oxidative and photocatalytic activity for water purification.
  • Hongyun Niu
  • Yongliang Yang
  • Weijia Zhao
  • Hongzhou Lv
  • Hui Zhang
  • Yaqi Cai
  • J. Hazard. Mater..2020 Jul;401:123442. S0304-3894(20)31431-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.123442.Epub 2020-07-08.


Extracellular proteolytic cascade in tomato activates immune protease Rcr3.
  • Judith K Paulus
  • Jiorgos Kourelis
  • Selva Ramasubramanian
  • Felix Homma
  • Alice Godson
  • Anja C Hörger
  • Tram Ngoc Hong
  • Daniel Krahn
  • Laura Ossorio Carballo
  • Shuaishuai Wang
  • Joe Win
  • Matthew Smoker
  • Sophien Kamoun
  • Suomeng Dong
  • Renier A L van der Hoorn
  • Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A..2020 Jul;201921101. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1921101117.Epub 2020-07-02.


Fully Implantable Active Middle Ear Implants After Subtotal Petrosectomy With Fat Obliteration: Preliminary Clinical Results.
  • Nikoloz Lasurashvili
  • Susen Lailach
  • Hannes Seidler
  • Matthias Bornitz
  • Marcus Neudert
  • Thomas Zahnert
  • Otol. Neurotol..2020 Aug;41(7):e912-e920. 00129492-202008000-00045. doi: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000002797.


AAIM Recommendations for the 2020-2021 Internal Medicine Residency Application Cycle in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
  • K C Chretien
  • J M Raj
  • R A Abraham
  • P Aronowitz
  • D J Astiz
  • S G Chheda
  • E L Esquivel
  • M M Garcia
  • N Ismail
  • S Lane
  • S E McLaughlin
  • A Pereira
  • A W Shaheen
  • A L Spencer
  • K M Tartaglia
  • L L Willett
  • Am. J. Med..2020 Jul;S0002-9343(20)30535-0. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2020.06.002.Epub 2020-07-10.


Flow Complexity Estimation in Dysfunctional Arteriovenous Dialysis Fistulas using Vector Flow Imaging.
  • Tin-Quoc Nguyen
  • Marie Sand Traberg
  • Jacob Bjerring Olesen
  • Søren Thorup Heerwagen
  • Andreas Hjelm Brandt
  • Thor Bechsgaard
  • Brian Lindegaard Pedersen
  • Ramin Moshavegh
  • Lars Lönn
  • Jørgen Arendt Jensen
  • Michael Bachmann Nielsen
  • Kristoffer Lindskov Hansen
  • Ultrasound Med Biol.2020 Jun;S0301-5629(20)30250-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2020.05.021.Epub 2020-06-25.


An autopsy case of primary jejunal pouch cancer which protruded from the abdominal wall 14 years after total gastrectomy for gastric cancer.
  • Yuki Kanayama
  • Hitoshi Takagi
  • Satoshi Takakusagi
  • Yozo Yokoyama
  • Kazuko Kizawa
  • Kyoko Marubashi
  • Takashi Kosone
  • Ken Sato
  • Satoru Kakizaki
  • Ichiro Sakamoto
  • Tatsurou Maehara
  • Etsuko Hisanaga
  • Hayato Ikota
  • Toshio Uraoka
  • Clin J Gastroenterol.2020 Jul;10.1007/s12328-020-01177-6. doi: 10.1007/s12328-020-01177-6.Epub 2020-07-08.