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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Geranylgeranyl acetone prevents glutamate-induced cell death in HT-22 cells by increasing mitochondrial membrane potential.
  • Eriko Sugano
  • Yuka Endo
  • Akihisa Sugai
  • Yuki Kikuchi
  • Kitako Tabata
  • Taku Ozaki
  • Takahiro Kurose
  • Yoshihiro Takai
  • Yoko Mistsuguchi
  • Yoichi Honma
  • Hiroshi Tomita
  • Eur. J. Pharmacol..2020 Jul;:173193. S0014-2999(20)30285-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2020.173193.Epub 2020-07-10.


Interleukin 1 Receptor 1 Knockout and Maternal High Fat Diet Exposure Induces Sex-Specific Effects on Adipose Tissue Adipogenic and Inflammatory Gene Expression in Adult Mouse Offspring.
  • Pania E Bridge-Comer
  • Jasmine F Plows
  • Farha Ramzan
  • Rachna Patel
  • Thashma P Ganapathy
  • Joanna L Stanley
  • Mark H Vickers
  • Clare M Reynolds
  • Front Physiol.2020;11:601. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.00601.Epub 2020-06-23.


Efficacy and safety of fluoroquinolone-containing regimens in treating pulmonary Mycobacterium avium complex disease: A propensity score analysis.
  • Hisayuki Shuto
  • Kosaku Komiya
  • Akihiko Goto
  • Takamasa Kan
  • Kokoro Honjo
  • Sonoe Uchida
  • Shuichi Takikawa
  • Tetsuyuki Yoshimatsu
  • Mari Yamasue
  • Kazufumi Hiramatsu
  • Jun-Ichi Kadota
  • PLoS ONE.2020;15(7):e0235797. PONE-D-20-11352. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235797.Epub 2020-07-09.


A method for stable carbon isotope measurement of underivatized individual amino acids by multi-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography and elemental analyzer/isotope ratio mass spectrometry.
  • Yuchen Sun
  • Naoto F Ishikawa
  • Nanako O Ogawa
  • Hodaka Kawahata
  • Yoshinori Takano
  • Naohiko Ohkouchi
  • Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1002/rcm.8885.Epub 2020-07-12.


Role of C/N ratio on microalgae growth in mixotrophy and incorporation of titanium nanoparticles for cell flocculation and lipid enhancement in economical biodiesel application.
  • Anwesha Khanra
  • Shrasti Vasistha
  • Prabhanshu Kumar
  • Monika Prakash Rai
  • 3 Biotech.2020 Aug;10(8):331. 2323. doi: 10.1007/s13205-020-02323-0.Epub 2020-07-05.

1 型糖尿病および複数の毎日のインスリン注射を受けている人の CGM および血糖のセルフモニタリング中の HbA と低血糖の時間の間の関連性。A Randomized Clinical Trial(GOLD-4)

The Association Between HbA and Time in Hypoglycemia During CGM and Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in People With Type 1 Diabetes and Multiple Daily Insulin Injections: A Randomized Clinical Trial (GOLD-4).
  • Shilan Seyed Ahmadi
  • Klara Westman
  • Aldina Pivodic
  • Arndís F Ólafsdóttir
  • Sofia Dahlqvist
  • Irl B Hirsch
  • Jarl Hellman
  • Magnus Ekelund
  • Tim Heise
  • William Polonsky
  • Magnus Wijkman
  • Erik Schwarcz
  • Marcus Lind
  • Diabetes Care.2020 Jul;dc192606. doi: 10.2337/dc19-2606.Epub 2020-07-08.


Evaluation of emotional intelligence (EI) in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) patients compared to healthy individuals.
  • Negar Ramezani
  • Pourya Yarahmadi
  • Mohammad Alirezaei
  • Seyed Mohammad Forouzannia
  • Razieh Sadat Kazemi Mozdabadi
  • Hossein Rezaei Aliabadi
  • Mohammad Reza Gheini
  • Mohammad Ali Sahraian
  • Abdorreza Naser Moghadasi
  • Mult Scler Relat Disord.2020 Jul;45:102387. S2211-0348(20)30462-4. doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2020.102387.Epub 2020-07-08.


Using the Tailoring Immunization Programmes guide to improve child immunisation in Umina, New South Wales: we could still do better.
  • Katarzyna Bolsewicz
  • Susan Thomas
  • Donna Moore
  • Colleen Gately
  • Andrew Dixon
  • Paul Cook
  • Peter Lewis
  • Aust J Prim Health.2020 Jul;PY19247. doi: 10.1071/PY19247.Epub 2020-07-14.


Inactivation of the dimeric RappLS20 anti-repressor of the conjugation operon is mediated by peptide-induced tetramerization.
  • Isidro Crespo
  • Nerea Bernardo
  • Andrés Miguel-Arribas
  • Praveen K Singh
  • Juan R Luque-Ortega
  • Carlos Alfonso
  • Marc Malfois
  • Wilfried J J Meijer
  • Dirk Roeland Boer
  • Nucleic Acids Res..2020 Jul;gkaa540. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa540.Epub 2020-07-13.

歯周炎におけるCD19 CD24 CD38 調節性B細胞とメモリーB細胞。プロ炎症性サイトカインおよび抗炎症性サイトカインとの関連

CD19 CD24 CD38 Regulatory B Cells and Memory B Cells in Periodontitis: Association with Pro-Inflammatory and Anti-Inflammatory Cytokines.
  • Helal F Hetta
  • Ibrahim M Mwafey
  • Gaber El-Saber Batiha
  • Suliman Y Alomar
  • Nahed A Mohamed
  • Maggie A Ibrahim
  • Abeer Elkady
  • Ahmed Kh Meshaal
  • Hani Alrefai
  • Dina M Khodeer
  • Asmaa M Zahran
  • Vaccines (Basel).2020 Jun;8(2). E340. doi: 10.3390/vaccines8020340.Epub 2020-06-26.


Self assembly and hydrogelation of N-terminal modified tetrapeptide for sustained release and synergistic action of antibacterial drugs against methicillin resistant S. aureus.
  • Rikeshwer Prasad Dewangan
  • Shalini Kumari
  • Aman Kumar Mahto
  • Aditi Jain
  • Santosh Pasha
  • Bioorg. Chem..2020 Jun;102:104052. S0045-2068(20)31349-3. doi: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2020.104052.Epub 2020-06-30.


Safety evaluation of the food enzyme α-amylase from (strain DP-Dzb44).
  • Vittorio Silano
  • José Manuel Barat Baviera
  • Claudia Bolognesi
  • Beat Johannes Brüschweiler
  • Pier Sandro Cocconcelli
  • Riccardo Crebelli
  • David Michael Gott
  • Konrad Grob
  • Evgenia Lampi
  • Alicja Mortensen
  • Gilles Rivière
  • Inger-Lise Steffensen
  • Christina Tlustos
  • Henk van Loveren
  • Laurence Vernis
  • Holger Zorn
  • Boet Glandorf
  • André Penninks
  • Davor Želježic
  • Ana Gomes
  • Karl-Heinz Engel
  • Andrew Chesson
  • EFSA J.2019 Jun;17(6):e05738. EFS25738. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2019.5738.Epub 2019-06-14.

SARS-CoV-2 スパイクタンパク質を標的とする多様なヒトモノクローナル抗体の迅速な単離とプロファイリング

Rapid isolation and profiling of a diverse panel of human monoclonal antibodies targeting the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
  • Seth J Zost
  • Pavlo Gilchuk
  • Rita E Chen
  • James Brett Case
  • Joseph X Reidy
  • Andrew Trivette
  • Rachel S Nargi
  • Rachel E Sutton
  • Naveenchandra Suryadevara
  • Elaine C Chen
  • Elad Binshtein
  • Swathi Shrihari
  • Mario Ostrowski
  • Helen Y Chu
  • Jonathan E Didier
  • Keith W MacRenaris
  • Taylor Jones
  • Samuel Day
  • Luke Myers
  • F Eun-Hyung Lee
  • Doan C Nguyen
  • Ignacio Sanz
  • David R Martinez
  • Paul W Rothlauf
  • Louis-Marie Bloyet
  • Sean P J Whelan
  • Ralph S Baric
  • Larissa B Thackray
  • Michael S Diamond
  • Robert H Carnahan
  • James E Crowe
  • Nat. Med..2020 Jul;10.1038/s41591-020-0998-x. doi: 10.1038/s41591-020-0998-x.Epub 2020-07-10.


Insights into the improved macrolide inhibitory activity from the high-resolution cryo-EM structure of dirithromycin bound to the 70S ribosome.
  • Evgeny B Pichkur
  • Alena Paleskava
  • Andrey G Tereshchenkov
  • Pavel Kasatsky
  • Ekaterina S Komarova
  • Dmitrii I Shiriaev
  • Alexey A Bogdanov
  • Olga A Dontsova
  • Ilya A Osterman
  • Petr V Sergiev
  • Yury S Polikanov
  • Alexander G Myasnikov
  • Andrey L Konevega
  • RNA.2020 06;26(6):715-723. rna.073817.119. doi: 10.1261/rna.073817.119.Epub 2020-03-06.


Safety evaluation of the food enzyme 4-phytase from a genetically modified (strain DP-Nzt55).
  • Vittorio Silano
  • José Manuel Barat Baviera
  • Claudia Bolognesi
  • Pier Sandro Cocconcelli
  • Riccardo Crebelli
  • David Michael Gott
  • Konrad Grob
  • Evgenia Lampi
  • Alicja Mortensen
  • Gilles Rivière
  • Inger-Lise Steffensen
  • Christina Tlustos
  • Henk Van Loveren
  • Laurence Vernis
  • Holger Zorn
  • Boet Glandorf
  • Lieve Herman
  • Jaime Aguilera
  • Magdalena Andryszkiewicz
  • Yi Liu
  • Andrew Chesson
  • EFSA J.2019 Oct;17(10):e05826. EFS25826. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2019.5826.Epub 2019-10-17.


Brief Report: Intranasal Ketamine in Adolescents and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder-Initial Results of a Randomized, Controlled, Crossover, Pilot Study.
  • Logan K Wink
  • Debra L Reisinger
  • Paul Horn
  • Rebecca C Shaffer
  • Kaela O'Brien
  • Lauren Schmitt
  • Kelli R Dominick
  • Ernest V Pedapati
  • Craig A Erickson
  • J Autism Dev Disord.2020 Jul;10.1007/s10803-020-04542-z. doi: 10.1007/s10803-020-04542-z.Epub 2020-07-08.


A somatic coliphage threshold approach to improve the management of activated sludge wastewater treatment plant effluents in resource-limited regions.
  • Luz Chacón
  • Kenia Barrantes
  • Carolina Santamaría-Ulloa
  • Melissa Solano
  • Liliana Reyes
  • Lizeth Taylor
  • Carmen Valiente
  • Erin M Symonds
  • Rosario Achí
  • Appl. Environ. Microbiol..2020 Jun;AEM.00616-20. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00616-20.Epub 2020-06-26.

ガスクロマトグラフィー-質量分析法による遊離脂肪酸の個別分析のための血漿中の遊離脂肪酸の選択的かつ高速メチル化」への補遺。J. Chromatogr.A 1624 (2020) 461259

Corrigendum to "Selective and fast methylation of free fatty acids directly in plasma for their individual analysis by gas chromatography- mass spectrometry". [J. Chromatogr. A 1624 (2020) 461259].
  • Cristian I Ciucanu
  • Daliborca C Vlad
  • Ionel Ciucanu
  • Victor Dumitraşcu
  • J Chromatogr A.2020 Jul;:461322. S0021-9673(20)30600-2. doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2020.461322.Epub 2020-07-09.


Multicentre, randomised, open-label, parallel-group study evaluating the efficacy and safety of ixekizumab versus adalimumab in patients with psoriatic arthritis naïve to biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drug: final results by week 52.
  • Josef S Smolen
  • Philip Mease
  • Hasan Tahir
  • Hendrik Schulze-Koops
  • Inmaculada de la Torre
  • Lingnan Li
  • Maja Hojnik
  • Christophe Sapin
  • Masato Okada
  • Roberto Caporali
  • Jordi Gratacós
  • Philippe Goupille
  • Soyi Liu Leage
  • Sreekumar Pillai
  • Peter Nash
  • Ann. Rheum. Dis..2020 Jul;annrheumdis-2020-217372. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-217372.Epub 2020-07-13.


Ultrasound-guided "hourglass-pattern" fascia iliac block combined with sacral plexus and gluteal epithelial nerve block for an elderly hip fracture patient with organ failure.
  • Huiyue Wang
  • Qianyu Li
  • Yong Ni
  • Medicine (Baltimore).2020 Jun;99(25):e19732. 00005792-202006190-00001. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000019732.


Weekly Carboplatin and Paclitaxel: A Retrospective Comparison with the 3-weekly Schedule in First-Line Treatment of Ovarian Cancer.
  • Tamar Safra
  • Barliz Waissengrin
  • Talya Levy
  • Ellie Leidner
  • Rotem Merose
  • Dianna Matcheyevsky
  • Dan Grisaru
  • Ido Laskov
  • Nadav Mishaan
  • Rotem Shayzaf
  • Ido Wolf
  • Oncologist.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1634/theoncologist.2020-0196.Epub 2020-07-13.


Characterization of clinical enterococci isolates, focusing on the vancomycin-resistant enterococci in a tertiary hospital in China: based on the data from 2013 to 2018.
  • Wanqing Zhou
  • Hui Zhou
  • Yuhan Sun
  • Shuo Gao
  • Yan Zhang
  • Xiaoli Cao
  • Zhifeng Zhang
  • Han Shen
  • Chunni Zhang
  • BMC Infect. Dis..2020 May;20(1):356. 10.1186/s12879-020-05078-4. doi: 10.1186/s12879-020-05078-4.Epub 2020-05-19.


Comparison of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and whole-genome-sequencing-based typing confirms the accuracy of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis for the investigation of local Pseudomonas aeruginosa outbreaks.
  • D Martak
  • A Meunier
  • M Sauget
  • P Cholley
  • M Thouverez
  • X Bertrand
  • B Valot
  • D Hocquet
  • J. Hosp. Infect..2020 Jun;S0195-6701(20)30298-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jhin.2020.06.013.Epub 2020-06-22.