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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Sitagliptin-Dependent Differences in the Intensity of Oxidative Stress in Rat Livers Subjected to Ischemia and Reperfusion.
  • Małgorzata Trocha
  • Małgorzata Krzystek-Korpacka
  • Anna Merwid-Ląd
  • Beata Nowak
  • Małgorzata Pieśniewska
  • Piotr Dzięgiel
  • Agnieszka Gomułkiewicz
  • Przemysław Kowalski
  • Dorota Diakowska
  • Adam Szeląg
  • Tomasz Sozański
  • Oxid Med Cell Longev.2019;2019:2738605. doi: 10.1155/2019/2738605.Epub 2019-10-31.


Application of High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry and a Theoretical Model to the Quantification of Multifunctional Carbonyls and Organic Acids in e-Cigarette Aerosol.
  • Yichen Li
  • Amanda E Burns
  • Guy J P Burke
  • Morgan E Poindexter
  • Amy K Madl
  • Kent E Pinkerton
  • Tran B Nguyen
  • Environ. Sci. Technol..2020 05;54(9):5640-5650. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.9b07387.Epub 2020-04-23.

プロスタグランジン F は無月経乳牛の排卵前卵胞特性および人工授精あたりの妊娠に影響を与える

Prostaglandin F influences pre-ovulatory follicle characteristics and pregnancy per AI in anovular dairy cows.
  • F R Lopes
  • L M Silva
  • R Zimpel
  • A K Munhoz
  • A Vieira-Neto
  • M H C Pereira
  • M Poindexter
  • M L Gambarini
  • W W Thatcher
  • J L M Vasconcelos
  • J E P Santos
  • Theriogenology.2020 Sep;153:122-132. S0093-691X(20)30273-9. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2020.04.038.Epub 2020-05-06.


No Increase in HIV Drug Resistance Mutations among Injecting Drug Users on Methadone Maintenance Therapy: A Prospective Cohort Study.
  • Chunyuan Huang
  • Li Ye
  • Abu S Abdullah
  • Bingyu Liang
  • Junjun Jiang
  • Chuanyi Ning
  • Ning Zang
  • Yu Zhang
  • Yuan Yang
  • Xi Hu
  • Quanlue Yang
  • Chaolian Luo
  • Feixiang Lao
  • Huifang Liu
  • Hao Liang
  • Jiegang Huang
  • Curr. HIV Res..2020 Jul;CHR-EPUB-108100. doi: 10.2174/1570162X18666200712173630.Epub 2020-07-12.


Structural basis of host protein hijacking in human T-cell leukemia virus integration.
  • Veer Bhatt
  • Ke Shi
  • Daniel J Salamango
  • Nicholas H Moeller
  • Krishan K Pandey
  • Sibes Bera
  • Thomas E Bohl
  • Fredy Kurniawan
  • Kayo Orellana
  • Wei Zhang
  • Duane P Grandgenett
  • Reuben S Harris
  • Anna C Sundborger-Lunna
  • Hideki Aihara
  • Nat Commun.2020 Jun;11(1):3121. 10.1038/s41467-020-16963-6. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16963-6.Epub 2020-06-19.

内皮足場タンパク質 ENH (Enigma Homolog Protein)は、PHLPP2 (Pleckstrin Homology Domain and Leucine-Rich Repeat Protein Phosphatase 2)を介して、AKT1とeNOS (Endothelial NO Synthase)の脱リン酸化を促進し、血管リモデリングを促進する

Endothelial Scaffolding Protein ENH (Enigma Homolog Protein) Promotes PHLPP2 (Pleckstrin Homology Domain and Leucine-Rich Repeat Protein Phosphatase 2)-Mediated Dephosphorylation of AKT1 and eNOS (Endothelial NO Synthase) Promoting Vascular Remodeling.
  • Jiaqi Huang
  • Changhong Cai
  • Tianyu Zheng
  • Xinyan Wu
  • Dongfei Wang
  • Kaijie Zhang
  • Bocheng Xu
  • Ruochen Yan
  • Hui Gong
  • Jie Zhang
  • Yueli Shi
  • Zhiyong Xu
  • Xue Zhang
  • Xuemin Zhang
  • Tao Shang
  • Jianhong Zhou
  • Xiaogang Guo
  • Chunlai Zeng
  • En Yin Lai
  • Changchun Xiao
  • Ju Chen
  • Shu Wan
  • Wen-Hsien Liu
  • Yuehai Ke
  • Hongqiang Cheng
  • Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol..2020 Jul;40(7):1705-1721. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.120.314172.Epub 2020-04-09.


Surface modification of titanium manufactured through selective laser melting inhibited osteoclast differentiation through mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway.
  • Jiamin Yang
  • Xiaolin Yu
  • Zhengchuan Zhang
  • Ruogu Xu
  • Fan Wu
  • Tianlu Wang
  • Yun Liu
  • Jianglin Ouyang
  • Feilong Deng
  • J Biomater Appl.2020 Aug;35(2):169-181. doi: 10.1177/0885328220920457.Epub 2020-04-27.

腫瘍微小環境の組成と重度のサイトカイン放出症候群(CRS)は、アクシカバトゲン シロロイセルで治療された大規模B細胞リンパ腫患者の毒性に影響を与える

Tumor Microenvironment composition and severe cytokine release syndrome (CRS) Influence Toxicity in Patients with Large B Cell Lymphoma Treated with Axicabtagene Ciloleucel.
  • Rawan G Faramand
  • Michael D Jain
  • Verena Staedtke
  • Hiroshi Kotani
  • Ren-Yuan Bai
  • Kayla Reid
  • Sae Bom Lee
  • Kristen Spitler
  • Xuefeng Wang
  • Biwei Cao
  • Javier Pinilla
  • Aleksandr Lazaryan
  • Farhad Khimani
  • Bijal D Shah
  • Julio Chavez
  • Taiga Nishihori
  • Asmita Mishra
  • John E Mullinax
  • Ricardo Gonzalez
  • Mohammad Hussaini
  • Marian Dam
  • Brigett Brandjes
  • Christina A Bachmeier
  • Claudio Anasetti
  • Frederick L Locke
  • Marco L Davila
  • Clin. Cancer Res..2020 Jul;clincanres.1434.2020. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-20-1434.Epub 2020-07-15.


'We all have the same right to have health services': a case study of Namati's legal empowerment program in Mozambique.
  • Marta Schaaf
  • Joana Falcao
  • Ellie Feinglass
  • Erin Kitchell
  • Nadja Gomes
  • Lynn Freedman
  • BMC Public Health.2020 Jul;20(1):1084. 10.1186/s12889-020-09190-7. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-09190-7.Epub 2020-07-10.


A novel protective role for microRNA-3135b in Golgi apparatus fragmentation induced by chemotherapy via GOLPH3/AKT1/mTOR axis in colorectal cancer cells.
  • Stephanie I Núñez-Olvera
  • Bibiana Chávez-Munguía
  • María Cruz Del Rocío Terrones-Gurrola
  • Laurence A Marchat
  • Jonathan Puente-Rivera
  • Erika Ruíz-García
  • Alma D Campos-Parra
  • Carlos Vázquez-Calzada
  • Erik R Lizárraga-Verdugo
  • Rosalío Ramos-Payán
  • Yarely M Salinas-Vera
  • César López-Camarillo
  • Sci Rep.2020 Jun;10(1):10555. 10.1038/s41598-020-67550-0. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-67550-0.Epub 2020-06-29.


Differential methylation and expression of genes in the hypoxia-inducible factor 1 signaling pathway are associated with paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy in breast cancer survivors and with preclinical models of chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain.
  • Kord M Kober
  • Man-Cheung Lee
  • Adam Olshen
  • Yvette P Conley
  • Marina Sirota
  • Michael Keiser
  • Marilyn J Hammer
  • Gary Abrams
  • Mark Schumacher
  • Jon D Levine
  • Christine Miaskowski
  • Mol Pain.2020 Jan-Dec;16:1744806920936502. doi: 10.1177/1744806920936502.


Mushroom extracts and compounds with suppressive action on breast cancer: evidence from studies using cultured cancer cells, tumor-bearing animals, and clinical trials.
  • Jack Ho Wong
  • Tzi Bun Ng
  • Helen Hei Ling Chan
  • Qin Liu
  • Gene Chi Wai Man
  • Chris Zhiyi Zhang
  • Suzhen Guan
  • Charlene Cheuk Wing Ng
  • Evandro Fei Fang
  • Hexiang Wang
  • Fang Liu
  • Xiuyun Ye
  • Krzysztof Rolka
  • Ryno Naude
  • Shuang Zhao
  • Ou Sha
  • Chunman Li
  • Lixin Xia
  • Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol..2020 Jun;104(11):4675-4703. 10.1007/s00253-020-10476-4. doi: 10.1007/s00253-020-10476-4.Epub 2020-04-09.


Transcriptome analysis of the adipose tissue in a mouse model of metabolic syndrome identifies gene signatures related to disease pathogenesis.
  • Dimitris Nasias
  • Katerina Dalakoura-Karagkouni
  • Despoina Vassou
  • Giorgos Papagiannakis
  • Ariadni Papadaki
  • Dimitris Kardassis
  • Genomics.2020 Jul;S0888-7543(19)31032-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2020.06.053.Epub 2020-07-08.


Clot perviousness is associated with first pass success of aspiration thrombectomy in the COMPASS trial.
  • Maxim Mokin
  • Muhammad Waqas
  • Johanna Fifi
  • Reade De Leacy
  • David Fiorella
  • Elad I Levy
  • Kenneth Snyder
  • Ricardo Hanel
  • Keith Woodward
  • Imran Chaudry
  • Ansaar T Rai
  • Donald Frei
  • Josser E Delgado Almandoz
  • Michael Kelly
  • Adam S Arthur
  • Blaise W Baxter
  • Joey English
  • Italo Linfante
  • Kyle M Fargen
  • Aquilla Turk
  • Adnan H Siddiqui
  • J Mocco
  • J Neurointerv Surg.2020 Jul;neurintsurg-2020-016434. doi: 10.1136/neurintsurg-2020-016434.Epub 2020-07-17.


Therapeutic effects of mangiferin on sepsis-associated acute lung and kidney injuries via the downregulation of vascular permeability and protection of inflammatory and oxidative damages.
  • Dong Zhang
  • Shasha Han
  • Yue Zhou
  • Boyang Qi
  • Xiaozhi Wang
  • Eur J Pharm Sci.2020 Jun;152:105400. S0928-0987(20)30189-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ejps.2020.105400.Epub 2020-06-12.


Histopathology, pharmacotherapy, and predictors of prostatic malignancy in elderly male patients with raised prostate-specific antigen levels - A prospective study.
  • Dhinesh Kumar Mathaiyan
  • Satya Prakash Tripathi
  • Jeffrey Pradeep Raj
  • Bodapati Sivaramakrishna
  • Urol Ann.2020 Apr-Jun;12(2):132-137. UA-12-132. doi: 10.4103/UA.UA_68_19.Epub 2020-04-14.


A Venomics Approach Coupled to High-Throughput Toxin Production Strategies Identifies the First Venom-Derived Melanocortin Receptor Agonists.
  • Steve Reynaud
  • Justyna Ciolek
  • Michel Degueldre
  • Natalie J Saez
  • Ana Filipa Sequeira
  • Yoan Duhoo
  • Joana L A Brás
  • Hervé Meudal
  • Miguel Cabo Díez
  • Victoria Fernández Pedrosa
  • Marion Verdenaud
  • Julia Boeri
  • Oscar Pereira Ramos
  • Frédéric Ducancel
  • Margot Vanden Driessche
  • Rudy Fourmy
  • Aude Violette
  • Grégory Upert
  • Gilles Mourier
  • Annette G Beck-Sickinger
  • Karin Mörl
  • Céline Landon
  • Carlos M G A Fontes
  • Rebeca Miñambres Herráiz
  • Ricardo C Rodríguez de la Vega
  • Steve Peigneur
  • Jan Tytgat
  • Loïc Quinton
  • Edwin De Pauw
  • Renaud Vincentelli
  • Denis Servent
  • Nicolas Gilles
  • J. Med. Chem..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c00485.Epub 2020-07-16.


Gene Fusion Characterization of Rare Aggressive Prostate Cancer Variants - Adenosquamous Carcinoma, Pleomorphic Giant Cell Carcinoma, and Sarcomatoid Carcinoma: An Analysis of 19 Cases.
  • Mohamed Alhamar
  • Tudor Vladislav
  • Steven C Smith
  • Yuan Gao
  • Liang Cheng
  • Laura A Favazza
  • Ali M Alani
  • Michael M Ittmann
  • Nicole D Riddle
  • Lisa J Whiteley
  • Nilesh S Gupta
  • Shannon Carskadon
  • Juan C Gomez-Gelvez
  • Dhananjay A Chitale
  • Nallasivam Palanisamy
  • Ondrej Hes
  • Kiril Trpkov
  • Sean R Williamson
  • Histopathology.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/his.14205.Epub 2020-07-08.


Simultaneous quantification of six nonpolar ginsenosides in white ginseng by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with integrated pulsed amperometric detection.
  • Hyeyoung Song
  • Kyung-Won Song
  • Seon-Pyo Hong
  • J Ginseng Res.2020 Jul;44(4):563-569. S1226-8453(19)30001-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jgr.2019.07.002.Epub 2019-07-26.

酸性スフィンゴミエリン酵素の直接かつ特異的な阻害剤である低分子ARC39のin vitroでの特性評価

Characterization of the small molecule ARC39, a direct and specific inhibitor of acid sphingomyelinase in vitro.
  • Eyad Naser
  • Stephanie Kadow
  • Fabian Schumacher
  • Zainelabdeen H Mohamed
  • Christian Kappe
  • Gabriele Hessler
  • Barbara Pollmeier
  • Burkhard Kleuser
  • Christoph Arenz
  • Katrin Anne Becker
  • Erich Gulbins
  • Alexander Carpinteiro
  • J. Lipid Res..2020 Jun;61(6):896-910. jlr.RA120000682. doi: 10.1194/jlr.RA120000682.Epub 2020-03-10.