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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Impact of early dose intensity reduction of Palbociclib on clinical outcomes in patients with hormone-receptor-positive metastatic breast cancer.
  • Bahar Moftakhar
  • Manidhar Lekkala
  • Myla Strawderman
  • Tae C Smith
  • Philip Meacham
  • Bryan Fitzgerald
  • Carla I Falkson
  • Ajay Dhakal
  • Breast Cancer Res. Treat..2020 Jul;10.1007/s10549-020-05793-1. doi: 10.1007/s10549-020-05793-1.Epub 2020-07-15.

感覚野を供給する動脈上に増殖した未破裂のGemella Morbillorum感染性動脈瘤に対するY字型動脈グラフトを用いた頭蓋内バイパス術.症例報告

Intracranial-Intracranial Bypass Using a "Y"-Shaped Artery Graft for Growing Unruptured Gemella Morbillorum Infectious Aneurysm on Artery Supplying Sensory Cortex: A Case Report.
  • Masato Shiba
  • Naoki Toma
  • Munenari Ikezawa
  • Yusuke Kuroda
  • Yume Suzuki
  • Reona Asada
  • Yoichi Miura
  • Ryuta Yasuda
  • Hidenori Suzuki
  • World Neurosurg.2020 Jul;S1878-8750(20)31577-1. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.07.056.Epub 2020-07-16.

COVID-19パンデミックアウトブレイク中の離乳センターの責任 - ベルリン・ブランデンブルクPOST-SAVEモデルで示されたCOVID-19患者のICU容量の割り当てのための推奨事項

[Responsibilities of Weaning Centers during the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak - Recommendations for the Assignment of ICU Capacities in COVID-19 Patients as shown by the Berlin-Brandenburg POST-SAVE-Model].
  • B Wiesner
  • M Bachmann
  • T-G Blum
  • S Forchheim
  • J Geiseler
  • A Kassin
  • E Kretzschmar
  • S Weber-Carstens
  • M Westhoff
  • M Witzenrath
  • C Grohé
  • Pneumologie.2020 Jun;74(6):358-365. doi: 10.1055/a-1153-9710.Epub 2020-04-15.


Bioinformatics-based Analysis of the lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA and TF regulatory networks reveal functional genes in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
  • Zhimin Ye
  • Jun Fang
  • Zhun Wang
  • Lei Wang
  • Bin Li
  • TongXin Liu
  • Yuezhen Wang
  • JianFeng Hua
  • FangZheng Wang
  • ZhenFu Fu
  • Biosci. Rep..2020 Jul;BSR20201727. doi: 10.1042/BSR20201727.Epub 2020-07-14.


Influence of processing and pH on amino acid profile, morphology, electrophoretic pattern, bioactive potential and functional characteristics of alfalfa protein isolates.
  • Prashant Sahni
  • Savita Sharma
  • Vijay Kumar Reddy Surasani
  • Food Chem.2020 Jul;333:127503. S0308-8146(20)31365-0. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127503.Epub 2020-07-10.


Successful venoplasty of superior vena cava stenosis in a patient with a total artificial heart after orthotopic heart transplantation due to primary graft failure.
  • Anita Phancao
  • Aly El Banayosy
  • Stephen P Lee
  • David W Vanhooser
  • Michael D Harper
  • Douglas A Horstmanshof
  • James W Long
  • Michael M Koerner
  • J Card Surg.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/jocs.14877.Epub 2020-07-19.


Durvalumab and tremelimumab combination therapy versus durvalumab or tremelimumab monotherapy for patients with solid tumors: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Bi-Cheng Wang
  • Peng-Cheng Li
  • Ji-Quan Fan
  • Guo-He Lin
  • Quentin Liu
  • Medicine (Baltimore).2020 Jul;99(28):e21273. 00005792-202007100-00133. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000021273.

新しいアプローチ法を用いてナノ材料の皮膚感作性を調査するための有害事象パスウェイ(AOP)の枠組 みを適用した

Application of the adverse outcome pathway (AOP) framework for investigating skin sensitization potential of nanomaterials using new approach methods.
  • Soraia Ferreira Bezerra
  • Bruna Dos Santos Rodrigues
  • Artur Christian Garcia da Silva
  • Renato Ivan de Ávila
  • Hallison Ranieri Gonçalves Brito
  • Emílio Ramos Cintra
  • Danillo Fabrini Maciel Costa Veloso
  • Eliana Martins Lima
  • Marize Campos Valadares
  • Contact Derm..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/cod.13669.Epub 2020-07-19.


Value of multidetector computed tomography for the differentiation of delayed aseptic and septic complications after total hip arthroplasty.
  • Jaime Isern-Kebschull
  • Xavier Tomas
  • Ana Isabel García-Díez
  • Laura Morata
  • Ignacio Moya
  • José Ríos
  • Alex Soriano
  • Skeletal Radiol..2020 Jun;49(6):893-902. 10.1007/s00256-019-03355-1. doi: 10.1007/s00256-019-03355-1.Epub 2020-01-03.


The impact of socioeconomic and environmental determinants on Mediterranean diet adherence: a municipal-level spatial analysis in Athens metropolitan area, Greece.
  • Thomas Tsiampalis
  • Antigoni Faka
  • Matina Kouvari
  • Theodora Psaltopoulou
  • Christos Pitsavos
  • Christos Chalkias
  • Demosthenes B Panagiotakos
  • Int J Food Sci Nutr.2020 Jul;:1-12. doi: 10.1080/09637486.2020.1791057.Epub 2020-07-12.


Nicotinamide reduces inflammation and oxidative stress via the cholinergic system in fructose-induced metabolic syndrome in rats.
  • J D Villeda-González
  • J L Gómez-Olivares
  • L A Baiza-Gutman
  • L Manuel-Apolinar
  • L Damasio-Santana
  • C Millán-Pacheco
  • S Ángeles-Mejía
  • M C Cortés-Ginez
  • M Cruz-López
  • C J Vidal-Moreno
  • M Díaz-Flores
  • Life Sci..2020 Jun;250:117585. S0024-3205(20)30333-7. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2020.117585.Epub 2020-03-31.

HPV 陽性口腔咽頭扁平上皮癌を有する女性におけるヒトパピローマウイルス関連性生殖器病理

Human Papillomavirus-Associated Anogenital Pathology in Females With HPV-Positive Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
  • Alyssa Larish
  • Linda Yin
  • Gretchen Glaser
  • Eric Moore
  • Jamie Bakkum-Gamez
  • David Routman
  • Daniel Ma
  • Daniel Price
  • Jeffrey Janus
  • Katharine Price
  • Ashish Chintakuntlawar
  • Michelle Neben-Wittich
  • Robert Foote
  • Kathryn Van Abel
  • Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.2020 Jul;:194599820941499. doi: 10.1177/0194599820941499.Epub 2020-07-14.


Rationally designed redirection of natural killer cells anchoring a cytotoxic ligand for pancreatic cancer treatment.
  • Young Eun Lee
  • Anna Ju
  • Hwi Wan Choi
  • Jin-Chul Kim
  • Eunice EunKyeong Kim
  • Tae Sung Kim
  • Hyo Jeong Kang
  • Sang-Yeob Kim
  • Jin-Young Jang
  • Ja-Lok Ku
  • Song Cheol Kim
  • Eunsung Jun
  • Mihue Jang
  • J Control Release.2020 Jul;S0168-3659(20)30398-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2020.07.016.Epub 2020-07-16.


Non-neural surface ectodermal rosette formation and F-actin dynamics drive mammalian neural tube closure.
  • Chengji J Zhou
  • Yu Ji
  • Kurt Reynolds
  • Moira McMahon
  • Michael A Garland
  • Shuwen Zhang
  • Bo Sun
  • Ran Gu
  • Mohammad Islam
  • Yue Liu
  • Tianyu Zhao
  • Grace Hsu
  • Janet Iwasa
  • Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun..2020 Jun;526(3):647-653. S0006-291X(20)30635-5. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.03.138.Epub 2020-04-02.


Overcoming Autocrine FGF Signaling-Induced Heterogeneity in Naive Human ESCs Enables Modeling of Random X Chromosome Inactivation.
  • Chenrui An
  • Guihai Feng
  • Jixiang Zhang
  • Shiwei Cao
  • Ying Wang
  • Nannan Wang
  • Falong Lu
  • Qi Zhou
  • Haoyi Wang
  • Cell Stem Cell.2020 Jul;S1934-5909(20)30269-1. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2020.06.002.Epub 2020-07-08.

従属栄養性硝化-好気性脱窒が可能な新規リン酸蓄積生物Arthrobacter sp.HHEP5によるリン・窒素除去安全性評価、除去特性評価、機構解明、排水処理

Phosphorus and nitrogen removal by a novel phosphate-accumulating organism, Arthrobacter sp. HHEP5 capable of heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification: Safety assessment, removal characterization, mechanism exploration and wastewater treatment.
  • Mengyu Zhang
  • Luqing Pan
  • Liping Liu
  • Chen Su
  • Le Dou
  • Zhaopeng Su
  • Ziyan He
  • Bioresour. Technol..2020 Sep;312:123633. S0960-8524(20)30905-6. doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2020.123633.Epub 2020-06-04.


Identification of functionally distinct and interacting cancer cell subpopulations from glioblastoma with intratumoral genetic heterogeneity.
  • Min Guo
  • Marjolein van Vliet
  • Jian Zhao
  • Teresita Díaz de Ståhl
  • Mikael S Lindström
  • Huaitao Cheng
  • Susanne Heller
  • Monica Nistér
  • Daniel Hägerstrand
  • Neurooncol Adv.2020 Jan-Dec;2(1):vdaa061. vdaa061. doi: 10.1093/noajnl/vdaa061.Epub 2020-05-27.


Longitudinal changes in plasma sex hormone concentrations correlate with changes in CT-measured regional adiposity among Japanese American men over 10 years.
  • Kathryn T Dinh
  • John K Amory
  • Alvin M Matsumoto
  • Brett T Marck
  • Wilfred Y Fujimoto
  • Donna L Leonetti
  • Edward J Boyko
  • Stephanie T Page
  • Katya B Rubinow
  • Clin. Endocrinol. (Oxf).2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/cen.14278.Epub 2020-07-07.

Epichloë festucae由来の核タンパク質NsiAは、MAPキナーゼMpkBと相互作用し、共生感染や菌糸体融合に必要な遺伝子の発現を制御していることが明らかになった

A nuclear protein NsiA from Epichloë festucae interacts with a MAP kinase MpkB and regulates the expression of genes required for symbiotic infection and hyphal cell fusion.
  • Aiko Tanaka
  • Shota Kamiya
  • Yoshino Ozaki
  • Shinichi Kameoka
  • Yuka Kayano
  • Saikia Sanjay
  • Fumitake Akano
  • Aiko Uemura
  • Hiroki Takagi
  • Ryohei Terauchi
  • Jun-Ichi Maruyama
  • Hamzeh Haj Hammadeh
  • André Fleissner
  • Barry Scott
  • Daigo Takemoto
  • Mol. Microbiol..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/mmi.14568.Epub 2020-07-07.