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A Review of Salivary Diagnostics and Its Potential Implication in Detection of Covid-19.
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E-cigarette devices used on school grounds.
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Smoke and Heart Should Stay Apart: A Look at E Cigarettes and Other Alternatives to Conventional Cigarettes, and Their Impact on Cardiovascular Health.
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Natural Course of Nicotine Dependence Among Adolescent Waterpipe and Cigarette Smokers.
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What dentists need to know about COVID-19.
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Rapid detection of novel coronavirus/Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) by reverse transcription-loop-mediated isothermal amplification.
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Inflammation in children with neuromuscular disorders and sleep disordered breathing.
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[Oral Health Management of Children during the Epidemic Period of Coronavirus Disease 2019].
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Covid-19 pandemic: Infection control in dental health care of infected patients-a state concept.
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Covid-19 pandemic: Infection control in dental health care of infected patients-a state concept.
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Association between chronic ACE inhibitor exposure and decreased odds of severe disease in patients with COVID-19.
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Association between chronic ACE inhibitor exposure and decreased odds of severe disease in patients with COVID-19.
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Impact of asthma on children´s gustatory sensitivity, masticatory and feeding behaviors.
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Local injection of a hexametaphosphate formulation reduces heterotopic ossification .
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Endodontic management of the maxillary first molar with special root canals: A case report and review of the literature.
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Aetiology, incidence and morphology of the C-shaped root canal system and its impact on clinical endodontics.
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Management of an emergency tooth extraction in diabetic patients on the dental chair.
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[Vitamin D supplementation in adults: should we change our practice?]
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Changes in alveolar bone height and width following ridge augmentation using bone graft and membranes.
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Effective Fluoride Mouthwash Delivery Methods as an Alternative to Rinsing.
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Comparison of antimicrobial efficacy of aqueous ozone, green tea, and normal saline as irrigants in pulpectomy procedures of primary teeth.
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Comparison of antimicrobial efficacy of aqueous ozone, green tea, and normal saline as irrigants in pulpectomy procedures of primary teeth.
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Comparison of antimicrobial efficacy of aqueous ozone, green tea, and normal saline as irrigants in pulpectomy procedures of primary teeth.
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Comparison of antimicrobial efficacy of aqueous ozone, green tea, and normal saline as irrigants in pulpectomy procedures of primary teeth.
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Comparison of antimicrobial efficacy of aqueous ozone, green tea, and normal saline as irrigants in pulpectomy procedures of primary teeth.
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Comparison of antimicrobial efficacy of aqueous ozone, green tea, and normal saline as irrigants in pulpectomy procedures of primary teeth.
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Clear Aligner Therapy May Not Prevent But May Decrease the Incidence of External Root Resorption Compared to Full Fixed Appliances.
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Retreatment efficacy of hydraulic calcium silicate sealers used in single cone obturation.
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Hermetic Seal in Obturation: An Achievable Goal with Recently Introduced Cpoint.
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Tissue level implants in healthy versus medically compromised patients. A cohort comparative study.
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Aesthetics outcome of immediately restored single implants placed in extraction sockets in the anterior maxilla: A case series study.
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Diode laser as an adjunct to nonsurgical chronic periodontitis therapy: a review.
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Comparison of Fluoride Release in Conventional Glass-Ionomer Cements with a New Mechanical Mixing Cement.
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Fluoride toothpastes of different concentrations for preventing dental caries.
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Clinical Study of Sodium Hypochlorite, Polymyxin B And Limewater Effect on MMP-3,-8,-9 In Apical Periodontitis.
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Clinical Study of Sodium Hypochlorite, Polymyxin B And Limewater Effect on MMP-3,-8,-9 In Apical Periodontitis.
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Meta-analysis of stomatitis in clinical studies of everolimus: incidence and relationship with efficacy.
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Surgical treatment of gingival overgrowth with 10 years of follow-up.
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Cariology Education in Canadian Dental Schools: Where Are We? Where Do We Need to Go?
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Ceramic dental biomaterials and CAD/CAM technology: state of the art.
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Applications of polyetheretherketone (PEEK) in oral implantology and prosthodontics.
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Current barrier membranes: titanium mesh and other membranes for guided bone regeneration in dental applications.
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Mechanical properties of new self-adhesive resin-based cement.
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Clinical marginal and internal gaps of zirconia all-ceramic crowns.
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Fifteen common mistakes encountered in clinical research.
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Stem cells in dentistry--Part II: Clinical applications.
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Critical review of some dogmas in prosthodontics.
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Endodontically treated teeth: characteristics and considerations to restore them.
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Stem cells in dentistry--part I: stem cell sources.
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PubMed、Scopus、Web of Science、Google Scholarの比較:長所と短所。
Comparison of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar: strengths and weaknesses.
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引用追跡のための3つのオプション。Google Scholar、Scopus、Web of Science。
Three options for citation tracking: Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science.
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