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Effect of premolar extraction and anchorage type for orthodontic space closure on upper airway dimensions and position of hyoid bone in adults: a retrospective cephalometric assessment.

PMID: 37901473




BACKGROUND: This study aimed to assess the effect of premolar extraction and anchorage type for orthodontic space closure on upper airway dimensions and position of hyoid bone in adults by cephalometric assessment.


このレトロスペクティブ研究は、前臼歯抜歯を伴う矯正治療を受けた患者のセファログラム142枚を用い、(I)二顎前突で最大アンカレッジを有するクラスI患者40人、(II)中等度の叢生でアンカレッジを有するクラスI患者40人、(III)最大アンカレッジを有するクラスII患者40人、(IV)最大アンカレッジを有する骨格クラスIII患者22人の4群に分けて行った。AudaxCeph v6.1.4.3951ソフトウェアを用いて、術前および術後の側方セファログラムで上咽頭、中咽頭、中咽頭、下咽頭の寸法、舌骨の位置を評価した。データはカイ二乗検定、ペアのt検定、ピアソンの相関検定(α=0.05)により分析した。

METHODS: This retrospective study was conducted on 142 cephalograms of patients who underwent orthodontic treatment with premolar extraction in four groups of (I) 40 class I patients with bimaxillary protrusion and maximum anchorage, (II) 40 class I patients with moderate crowding and anchorage, (III) 40 class II patients with maximum anchorage, and (IV) 22 skeletal class III patients with maximum anchorage. The dimensions of the nasopharynx, velopharynx, oropharynx, and hypopharynx, and hyoid bone position were assessed on pre- and postoperative lateral cephalograms using AudaxCeph v6.1.4.3951 software. Data were analyzed by the Chi-square test, paired t-test, and Pearson's correlation test (alpha = 0.05).



RESULTS: A significant reduction in oropharyngeal, velopharyngeal, and hypopharyngeal airway dimensions was noted in groups I, III, and IV ( < 0.001), which was correlated with the magnitude of retraction of upper and lower incisors ( = 0.6 - 0.8). In group II, a significant increase was observed in oropharyngeal and velopharyngeal dimensions ( < 0.001). A significant increase in nasopharyngeal dimensions occurred in all groups ( < 0.001). Also, in groups I and III, the position of hyoid bone changed downwards and backwards, which was correlated with reduction in airway dimensions ( = 0.4 - 0.6).



CONCLUSION: According to the present results, extraction orthodontic treatment affects upper airway dimensions and hyoid bone position. Maximum anchorage decreases airway dimensions while moderate anchorage increases airway dimensions.